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a day on a pig farm

ronan nee

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well all,

myself and my mate Roy have been dying to get out on a crow bust for a while now

but the weather wasn,t as you know the best for it until yesterday when we got a break :) .

so we took off to an organic pig farm down the road from Roys to help out a mate of his to

sort out his winged vermin.

we arrived there at about 2pm, and after a cup of coffee :good: and a chat with the farmer

we had a look around and found a spot to set up the hide.

the farmer had two sons that gave us alot of help in the setting up of the decoys and hide

and I can tell you that they where happy that they where on their school holidays :good::oops: .

So after every thing was set up and us in the hide for a while, things where kind of slack

with nothing coming into the pattern. the magnet was out of action cause someone forgot to

charge the battery :unsure: so all we had where the decoys on the ground and two flappers, (no birds on flappers).

the place was alive with crows but they where too interested in the pig pen two fields down

and we couldn't set up there cause of horses.

I left the hide and walked down to the yard to where there was a few roosting and got two for the flappers

and put them to work. after that this was the result, and we where busy.




the count for the day and we finished at 6 o'clock was 85 in the photo with another 20 or so still to be

collected ( it started to **** from the heavens ). the two young lads didn't close their mouths all the time we where there and I would say and so did their father that they cant wait until the corn is being cut next week. they already want to get cammo

clothing for the next day.


a good day all around :lol: ,


regards ronan ???

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Sounds like a good afternoons work Ronan :good:


Always good to get the farmers sons involved.......

tell them to persuade their dad to plant all the crops you would find useful ???:):lol:






fantastic bag there ronan very well done :good:


thanks lads, the crop of corn is being cut maybe next monday or tuesday weather permitting, multiple

hides required for that one :unsure:


regards ronan :oops:

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Well done on a successful day.


Its always good to get the youngsters interested. :unsure:


thanks cranners, it is good to get them into it. it all happened by accident and they are very clued with

everything happening. looking forward to going back.


regards ronan :good:

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That's some going in the time you were there, as has been said it's cracking to get the young lads involved - great bit of PR as well, keep them sweet and out of dads hair and you'll never be short of shooting!



you reckon? I'd bet as soon as they're old enough to have their own guns the permission will be gone as they'll be busy hammering it :rolleyes:


great bit of shooting though.

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