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BSA "safes" vs Brattonsound cabinets


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I've pretty much narrowed my choices down to either a Brattonsound RD5 (4-5 Sentinel extra deep) or a BSA GS4LTD (4 w/locktop extra deep) gun cabinet.


One advantage seems that the BSA's have vault-style 5-point locking with a double bitted key; instead of the two 7 lever locks on the standard Sentinel's. I'm going for extra deep as I likely will take up section 1 rimfire within a year or two anyway and so I can store my scoped Airgun safely as well.


The price difference is £10 (£139.95 for Brat and £149.95 for BSA.) Though the lock top on the BSA is not suitable for storing carts or a reasonable amount of sect 1 ammo; it would be useful to put the rifle bolts in etc.


I'd like to go for the BSA but does anyone have a BSA cabinet and can tell me what it is like in quality and security? Also If anyone has any decent pictures that would be great.





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think about it !!!



in a years time will a 4 gun cabinet be big enough. very much doubt it.


you have gone for the extra deep- therfore i can see rifles in there as well as shot guns. very small opening to slip your well loved guns through without knocking the stocks.


you can bet you bottom dolar that a large % of folk on here have changed there first cabinet to a bigger one shortly after.



could be worth a poll.



Im one of them. :P



1st cabinet just for 1 shot gun and air rifle.


then rimfire


then centre fire


then another shot gun


now thinking about another rimfire.


save the extra dosh and get a bigger one you will need it :good:

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:P i bought 3/5 gun.then a year later bought a 7/9 gun extra deep,and its full allready,guns are basically touching each other, got a rimmie,.222,12b,.410,9mm,and a rapid 7 in there 6 guns in a 7/9 ex deep and beleif me it full ,get the biggest you can afford mate :good:
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:P i bought 3/5 gun.then a year later bought a 7/9 gun extra deep,and its full allready,guns are basically touching each other, got a rimmie,.222,12b,.410,9mm,and a rapid 7 in there 6 guns in a 7/9 ex deep and beleif me it full ,get the biggest you can afford mate :lol:



I bought a 7/9 gun with locking top and they will fill up real quick. Give Paul Hart a shout, aka the pigeonshooter<dot>com and ask him for a price on one of his brattonsound cabinets :lol:

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My cabinet was the top of the range Bratonsound when I bought it, cant remember if its supposed to be 14 or 21 guns, either way, I doubt that it would comfortably hold the specified quantity. The quality is excellent, and it does have the vault type locking system.


I would suggest that you line the cabinet with carpet, use the felt backed stuff NOT foam backed, as the foam falls to bits and makes a mess. Use the spray mounting glue.



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By the biggest cabinet that is the cheapest one that your local FAO will accept.


Like anything, if someone wants your guns they will get them. It used to be the case that people would steal cars the old fashioned way. Now because car security systems are so tight on cars it's easier for thieves to drag the owners out of them while they are running or break into a house and take the keys.


I wouldn't get too hung up on how many locks the cabinet has.

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