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myself and johngalway go for a shine


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hello all, myself and john headed out last nite in not ideal conditions no wind at all, nice and dark tho. spotted one straight away, but he took off like a rocket! thenwe headed off to a place where i have shot 4 one after another from the same spot :good: sure enough there was foxy sat out at about 300yds, do a bit of calling and get him to come in slowly, lot of cover here he sits up at about 150 yds and john knocks him down with a very good shot with my remmy, nice one! didnt see anything after that for a while, i was about to go home, john convinced me to try this other place. foxy two and three were taken in the same field, one at about 80yds the other at about 100yds, nice and handy, out collecting them the boys in blue pull up on the road to have a chat. told me he seen two or three foxes crossing the road! sound cop :good: fourth fox was spotted about 100yds away in cover he moved off out a bit and sat looking at us all i could see was his head, i put cross hairs low between his eyes and let one rip number 4 in the bag. john ranged him at 157yds i think? we headed home happy :good:


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Good going conor some big foxes there :good: That was some dead sound gaurds wish a few of them came over my way.I was out last night myself was pitch black seen a load of foxes but they could hear us coming only got shots at two and got two one came running straight in to us without us calling or anything :good: first time that ever happened came right in to about 30yrds we had to shout to get him to stop when bullet hit his chest a big puff of smoke or steam came out of the fox :good: could'nt find an exit wound first time i ever seen that as well.

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It was a great night out, never like meeting the cops but that fella was sound :good: Conor did some fast shooting on those two in the same field, was great to get two out of two right in the same field. Looking forward to the next trip out already... And hopefully I'll get one or two with the shotgun...

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cheers lads :lol: had that happen a few times mark running in like that, plenty exit wounds on last nites foxes tho :lol: cheers ferret master :D i dont know where they come from frank bt have a steady supply. good craic alright john, foxes be gettin a rest now off on friday :good::good::good:

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Nice shooting lads, I think the police are becoming more aware to the sporting shooters now. They would rather see a licenced shooter than otherwise and its no longer an us and them situation. The forces over here are coming around the same way, I have only ever been pulled up once, after a nights lamping on a golf course and we were about to head off to another farm for some early morning shooting and we were stopped for a routine check.


The cop was a really nice guy - even telling us that they are frquently looking for people with dogs on the golf course and surrounding farms, but could see that I was not his target and we went on our way. :good:

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