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Rooks and Crows


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If anyone tries to tell you shooting crows in snow blizzards is fun, punch them in the mush.


Make sure you hit them hard enough or they will say, it's suprising how warm you feel in the hide, my feet were toasty in my wellies, if you keep your hands in your pocket you can feel the safety/trigger, it's better than being at work, it's better than not being out in the countryside etc etc


Like i say hit them and hit them hard, make sure they go down :angry:


It was so cold the only way i could tell my nose was running was the fact my knee was getting wet. :lol:

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I've been using one crow deek set 40 yards out from my hide and one magpie deek a bit closer with it's head down on a dead rabbit (white side up) and this has been drawing rooks in a treat with as many as 8 of them swooping down and going mad, they know something is not right but can't help but take a closer look.


The only problem is due to location I can only use the airgun and they are not keen on landing although have managed to pop a number of maggies that fly in and sit there with no hesitation and a couple of Jackdaws although these have been taken off a nearby fence as are too wary to drop any closer..all really challenging sport which is great.


Am out again later today so may take my little owl deek to see if it has any effect..will post the outcome



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I've been using one crow deek set 40 yards out from my hide and one magpie deek a bit closer with it's head down on a dead rabbit (white side up) and this has been drawing rooks in a treat with as many as 8 of them swooping down and going mad, they know something is not right but can't help but take a closer look.


The only problem is due to location I can only use the airgun and they are not keen on landing although have managed to pop a number of maggies that fly in and sit there with no hesitation and a couple of Jackdaws although these have been taken off a nearby fence as are too wary to drop any closer..all really challenging sport which is great.


Am out again later today so may take my little owl deek to see if it has any effect..will post the outcome





Well sat in the hide for around half an hour when out of the blue a couple of maggies dropped in, looks like they were drawn to their plastic friend dinning on the ground and didnt take any notice of my owl. Another 20 minutes passed and a big gust if wind managed to knock the owl off the fence post so will have to try again next time to see if he has any effect on the corvids as there was no way I was breaking cover to reset him as it was starting to get dark and the bunnies were coming out to play.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I've been using one crow deek set 40 yards out from my hide and one magpie deek a bit closer with it's head down on a dead rabbit (white side up) and this has been drawing rooks in a treat with as many as 8 of them swooping down and going mad, they know something is not right but can't help but take a closer look.


The only problem is due to location I can only use the airgun and they are not keen on landing although have managed to pop a number of maggies that fly in and sit there with no hesitation and a couple of Jackdaws although these have been taken off a nearby fence as are too wary to drop any closer..all really challenging sport which is great.


Am out again later today so may take my little owl deek to see if it has any effect..will post the outcome





Well sat in the hide for around half an hour when out of the blue a couple of maggies dropped in, looks like they were drawn to their plastic friend dinning on the ground and didnt take any notice of my owl. Another 20 minutes passed and a big gust if wind managed to knock the owl off the fence post so will have to try again next time to see if he has any effect on the corvids as there was no way I was breaking cover to reset him as it was starting to get dark and the bunnies were coming out to play.




The base of the owl deek should be hollow weigh it down with some sand it shouldnt get blown off then. As an extra i also 'bungie' my deek to the fence post :rolleyes:

Edited by luckytrigger
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a few years ago i cut out some sillouetes of crows and sprayed them black and dotted them around in different angles mounted them on old welding rods and pushed into the ground and they worked pretty well got 14 crows/ rooks that day

so for a price of a can of matt black spray paint and some old cardboard and a bit of time it was worthit

they came in close enough to be shot

so maybe an idea for some one who wants to try decoying rooks crows the cheap way ;)

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If you put a owl deek literally 20 yards from their nest will they stay in the tree and yell at it or land a bit away or land next to it.

Also do crow deeks with mince or some other meat by it make them land or not.

Thanks, HSH

I must be missing something here, if you can get 20 yards from the nest whilst they sit in the tree "yelling", why not just shoot them in the tree?

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If you put a owl deek literally 20 yards from their nest will they stay in the tree and yell at it or land a bit away or land next to it.

Also do crow deeks with mince or some other meat by it make them land or not.

Thanks, HSH

I must be missing something here, if you can get 20 yards from the nest whilst they sit in the tree "yelling", why not just shoot them in the tree?


No i meant which is more likely so i can hide accordingly

Thanks, HSH :rolleyes:

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