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Staffs/West Midlands licensing


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For those who come under Staffs/West Midlands licensing a question please.

A friend of mine lives in Burtwood Staffs and he was telling me that out 12 people he knows who have either recently (last 6 months) renewed or first application are being told they must supply a doctor letter before they are willing to issue/consider tickets, I come under staffs/west mid and renewed about eighteen months ago and did not have to supply a doctors letter, anyone heard of this from staffs/west mid police?


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Not heard anything. 

So I'm assuming this varies from county to county, I'd question it. 

How on earth can a Dr give an honest opinion on your mental state if they hvenot seen you for 10 years. It's bloody ridiculous, and a load of code wollop


Anyway, i thought with this freedom of information act you could ask for it now free of charge. 

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Friend of mine got his sgc a couple of months ago, under 4 weeks application to purchase of his first gun. No bother with Dr's. 

Saw the same feo as I did so I know he's in the same area, Stafford. 

Their checklist says nothing new about the Dr's portion, just that the Dr's will be notified and expected to let the police know of any future issues. That's how I see it. 


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