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Rewilding in my view means just that. Fence it off shut the gates and do not allow humans anywhere near it because as soon as you allow homo sapiens to become involved, walk through it , let his / her dogs run wild, then it becomes a desert and is no longer truly wild.  I hunted elk in the Rockies in one of the National Parks south of Jackson Hole. We had to abandon our vehicles at the boundary and ride horses from thereon or walk, I did see one hunter pushing a bike out of the forest with a whitetail buck strapped acrosss the bars and seat.  BUT the public still had access and part from a herd of elk and a few moose and the occaional black bear, I saw very few other animls/birds and there where footpaths everywhere and this was supposed to be a 'managed' wildlife area.

I have spent many happy hours walking grouse moors both managed and unmanaged and saw plenty of varied wildlife. A joy to see a pair of merlin pointed out by the keeper who asked me not to tell where they where or the disturbance by twitchers would drive them off.  He said they came back every year.  We shot our five brace over pointers that day and stood and watched a red stag walk across the hill, huge animal.  All sorts of small birds lifted from the heather as we walked up.  Almost stepped on two slow worms mating, don't see that very often.

Left wing garbage again.


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Hmm,  Interesting piece of propaganda,  to support re-wilding with figures given of eagles etc destroyed 150 yrs ago ! , The question is, do they want moorland or woodland, is there a sufficient tree spp seed bank in the area to make for effective re- generation, will all the existing red deer be culled to enable this regeneration, will sheep grazing stop. the photo is about keepers setting fire to moorland whilst the text mentions a landscape scorched to feed one bird.. very emotive stuff.. which would lead the average reader to support an instant ban on grouse shooting, [no doubt the plan.] A prime piece of BS without real scientific input.. [we know that controlled burning reduces the risk of wild fires]

Huge areas could and are being re-wilded or planted with native trees, this tapestry of bio-diversity will add to our environment, there is a place for diversifying without pointing the finger at others, the writer is furthering his cause and manipulating the stupid

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