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OSR time?


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Roughly how long after losing the bright yellow flowers does OSR attract pigeons. Very little on my perms at this time, hoping for some action on a nearby OSR field whilst lock down continues and my work is slow. Cheers. Hope you're all staying safe and sane

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Cool.  The particular field I'm watching was hit hard some months back, but recovered very well and in some places is a good 6 feet tall.  There are some good size tram lines through it and a nice line of trees on one edge. As all the sewn crop of wheat is well out of the ground after the rain and sun, there's not much else around so I'll keep a close eye on things. Theres also a really good field of barely (not mine) next to the osr, which is well in ear, so that may help pull them to the area as it ripens. 

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