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Gundog trainer recommendations?


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17 hours ago, Brodie said:

Exciting time coming up. Might help if you tell us what breed as that can influence recommendations.

Sorry - he's an ESS. I'm keen to build on the training I did myself with my current ESS so it's more about me being trained than the pup - certainly in the early days anyway - but if we're both going to get something out of it, would I start at say 4 months ish?

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14 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

What bread? 


Not many will do much until they're a lot older... some will happily take your ££ though  

Didn't know you could train a loaf of bread, would that be white sliced or wholemeal 😅

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1 hour ago, Iaindp said:

Sorry - he's an ESS. I'm keen to build on the training I did myself with my current ESS so it's more about me being trained than the pup - certainly in the early days anyway - but if we're both going to get something out of it, would I start at say 4 months ish?

Personally mate I would just try and avoid making mistakes in the first few months and get a really good bond. 

Pups are like babies they don’t need to be going on 2 hour walks etc. Take the dog out and get it to play and engage with you, but also have some moments where you just build their confidence. 

Just go out (once jabs all finished) and play and have fun... try to avoid introducing bad habits etc like taking it places where it will chase things and personally I tend to avoid heavily built up areas with other people with out of control fur babies... I don’t want my dog in a habit of running off to other dogs when it sees them and I don’t want someone else’s out of control dog running over and scaring my pup whilst their owner shouts “he’s just playing!!”. 

Once the dog is about 6+ months most start ‘training’ but some leave it to as late as 12 months. It’s easier to leave it if it’s in a kennel as you don’t have a mental pup bouncing all over your house 😂 in the house your can start basics like sitting for food or before you open the door etc, just introducing manners, but it’s easy to over do and I wish id done less with mine to be honest and just let him build his confidence more before starting. 

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On 28/05/2020 at 10:14, Iaindp said:

Sorry - he's an ESS. I'm keen to build on the training I did myself with my current ESS so it's more about me being trained than the pup - certainly in the early days anyway - but if we're both going to get something out of it, would I start at say 4 months ish?

There is a misconception with the word “training”. This does not start until at least 8 months in my experience and sometimes older. Up until then you are having fun and building a bond and behaviours which include, coming when called, sitting, starting to walk on the lead ( not heel work), carrying things around and bringing them to you, and with spaniels getting the nose down and hunting out a tennis ball or biscuit. All the serious stuff comes after that when the dog has started to mature both mentally and physically. Get a copy of Pippa Mattinsons book Total Recall. You can apply her principals to almost any task not just recall. Also worth joining the Gunndog training and tips forum. Whilst there is some rubbish on it there is also some good advice and you can ask for help.

i have another lab coming in a few weeks and will, like you be starting again.

Good Luck

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I will have slightly disagree with the 8 or 9 months before any training starts each dog is different and the trick is to realise how reactive the dog is as its growing, some you can train quite young just as other's will need to be older. Based on my own dog at 7 months old I took him to an international spaniel trialing judge I know just to show him how he was progressing he told me to bring him back at 8 months ,we went back to see him and he had 30minutes in the rabbit pen, flushing and stopping on rabbit's and I've never looked back or had any problems. It's just fun based repetition in small amounts. 

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