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those of you with ferrets, need a bit of info


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i used to keep ferrets around 5 years ago in a big cage out in the garden, nice big setup it was.


however then garden has been done over and all landscaped etc and there is now no where to put or build a cage, but i want another ferret! now i have 2 options. well 3..


option 1 is a cage in the garage but this would only be around 15" wide, 15" high but could be up to around 40-50" long (not sure that 15" would be wide enough though?


option 2 i have a lock up i can put pretty much any size cage in there, only problem is thers no windows in it, so majority of the time its in darkness. i have time to get the ferret out for a couple or hours a day, i just feel this would be unhealthy and pretty cruel though?


option 3 is basically do with out, as much as i loved keeping ferrets and as much as i want another!



any ideas or views?

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one of my garages has light, but thats the one i can only have a cage 15" wide in..


is a 15" wide cage is ok then i would be sorted





Is the 15" width restriction because you are also putting a car in the garage? Exhaust fumes come to mind.


Surely any animal in captivity would be far happier having its mind stimulated by outside events,fresh air and the weather etc, even people passing by the hutch, IMO.


:) D2D

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my garage is well ventilated and i can assure you there is plenty of daylight getting in. there hutches have pull down doors not side swingers the doors are left open and the have the whole garage to run but each time i go out which is twice a day they are mainly in there hutches and there is plenty of items for them to play around and keep there selfs amused.the garage is basicly there hutch but they prefer there hutches because when i go out to clean feed check them the door is left open and no one has done a runner yet ha ha o except for rocky he went for 45 mins but came back.noel

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To be honest mate sounds to me like you don't have the room and if this is the case then Ithink its better to go without


eaither that or just put two slabs down next to the house an buy a rabit hutch with a run below aslong as you handle them and take them out etc will be fine and want take up a lot of room


Or if you only want it as a pet i.e not for hunting then do what the yanks do and get it de sented and buy a cage for them to live indoors with you you can buy good cages for rats and stuff from them big pet stores and put him in the shed if you have one leave the window a jar and again plenty of handling and exersize they will do great

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