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snow white

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Hi lads where are we going to put our bubbles when we can get back to normality.

I don’t know who thinks these things up bubbles to keep us safe I would have thought a bit of common sense would

have been better I am sick of hearing about these ruddy bubbles I am of fishing now don’t now how I am going to cast or how far being stuck in a ruddy bubble will let you know how I managed to cast later or in morning 

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Jesus wept man, pull yourself together, it's so simple. You are not allowed to go Fishing unless 5 other people go with you, if you cannot fish 2 metres apart then you must Fish back to back taking it in turns to fish in the water then on the field alternatively.When you catch a Fish you must sing happy birthday to it to protect yourself - Fishermen in Wales are permitted to form small groups and sing together. If there's a Bus Stop at the water's edge then you can walk or cycle without a mask but if you use the Bus you must pay extra for your Bubble unless you have a Religious Belief or Disability in which case your Bubble can claim travel expenses - in a real world situation it would be easier to all walk a metre apart, back to back, allowing the "Tail End Charlie" to carry your Bikes onto the Bus.

If you need anymore help just ask. 

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The bubble reqires bursting. Get out and enjoy yourselves, just use your common sense.  Born at the start fo the last war, survived being bombed left right and centre, also survived hooping cough, measels, TB, chicken pox and numerous outbreaks of various flu conditions, I am just enjoying life as normal.    26 tree rats so far this week.

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3 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

Jesus wept man, pull yourself together, it's so simple. You are not allowed to go Fishing unless 5 other people go with you, if you cannot fish 2 metres apart then you must Fish back to back taking it in turns to fish in the water then on the field alternatively.When you catch a Fish you must sing happy birthday to it to protect yourself - Fishermen in Wales are permitted to form small groups and sing together. If there's a Bus Stop at the water's edge then you can walk or cycle without a mask but if you use the Bus you must pay extra for your Bubble unless you have a Religious Belief or Disability in which case your Bubble can claim travel expenses - in a real world situation it would be easier to all walk a metre apart, back to back, allowing the "Tail End Charlie" to carry your Bikes onto the Bus.

If you need anymore help just ask. 

Hello, your in fine spirits today Bruno 😁

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I like it Bruno you are on fine form the missis and my self bust our bubbles you yesterday keep it quiet don’t want Drakeford to now we traveled 90 miles on round trip fishing just myself and the wife in motor and never spoke to  another sole all day kept five trout put three back lost three at net not a bad afternoon fishing 2.30.till 6.30


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49 minutes ago, snow white said:

I like it Bruno you are on fine form the missis and my self bust our bubbles you yesterday keep it quiet don’t want Drakeford to now we traveled 90 miles on round trip fishing just myself and the wife in motor and never spoke to  another sole all day kept five trout put three back lost three at net not a bad afternoon fishing 2.30.till 6.30


Nice haul!

You have inspired me!

Too hot to work today.... going to load up the kayak and try for some mackerel on the coast.

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On 25/06/2020 at 07:17, moor man said:

Nice haul!

You have inspired me!

Too hot to work today.... going to load up the kayak and try for some mackerel on the coast.

I went and caught 1/2 dozen mackerel and a nice bass......meals for a couple of days, delicious!!

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