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After the Lord Mayor`s Show

Old Boggy

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Over the last few weeks on my short trips out I have been most fortunate to have shot bags of pigeons ranging from 15 to 36. Not large bags by the reports of others on here, but for me they represented good bags for the little time I spend afield.

Those forays were alone, so I was looking forward to once again having company to share a bit of banter and a catch up of local gossip. My usual companion Stour Boy had been occupied working on a newly acquired boat and more recently with the upheaval of having a new kitchen installed. I was therefore anxious to ensure that not having shot since lockdown, my companion would at least have a few pigeons to take home.

With more rape having been cut and some now heavily disced, there were a couple of options available. My decision was made upon a set position on one part of a rape stubble that would provide adequate shade should the temperature  rise as forecast during the afternoon. Previous outings had taught me that it`s preferable to spend three hours in comfortable conditions rather than one hour in searing heat, regardless of the amount of pigeons about.

Experience told me that the precise position of the proposed hide was not quite on the observed flightline to the field but provided shade, so was worth setting up in the hope that we would at least have a few shots.

In order to socially distance, a larger than normal hide was built giving Stour Boy, Decker the lab and myself plenty of room.

A rotary, flapper and a dozen flocked half shells were put out slightly to our left and upwind of the hide. The idea being that with SB positioned to my right, he would have the first opportunity of any incoming birds approaching from the right. It was after all, my intention that he had most of the shooting after his spell of absence. Not only that, it would be a chance if he missed, for me to achieve an eyewipe ! Something we both endeavour to do as part of the craic of being out.

We had also agreed that we would only send Decker to retrieve one in three of any shot birds as he is currently suffering from arthritis. On previous occasions we have been guilty of overworking him, only for him to suffer badly the following day.

However, we need not have bothered with this plan as there was a distinct lack of birds and those that came near did not decoy, despite repositioning the rotary and flapper, taking either or both in alternately at various stages with very little effect. Those very few that were shot were merely passing over and took not a blind bit of notice of our set up. Such are the vagaries of pigeon shooting, which I`m sure most of us have experienced at some stage.

As a consequence, we had plenty of time to consume what has now become an integral part of our short day and that is our lunch. This time consisting of gala pie, mini pork and pickle pies (with mustard) and a big chunk of apple cake courtesy of Mrs Stour Boy. I mention this for Marshman`s benefit as he`s always keen to know what we eat.

As far as Decker was concerned, he was not overworked and was sent for every retrieve, but with just three birds to show for our efforts I was most disappointed not to offer SB with more shooting opportunities. We therefore decided to foreshorten the day and upped stumps after just two and a half hours. As I`ve said many times, it`s not the size of the bag and as enjoyable as it was to get out once more, a few more in the bag would have been a little better, particularly on this occasion.

As the rape stubble is now well under the plough or discer, or will be by next week and the wheat is now being cut, perhaps our next trip out in a few days may see a few more in the bag. We shall see and hope.

Thanks for reading.


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Once again Chris a report worth waiting for , bag wise, we have all had many days when it just don't happen and I believe at this time of the year one of the main reasons is choice , every day when the weather is suitable for cutting there are 100s of acres opened up leaving pigeons spoilt for choice .

This morning I was down the farm by 7.30 , the combine driver came down the track and jumped in his combine, after a quick clean up and a cup of tea he was firing up and cutting by 8 o clock , tonight when I went down the fields were all cut and the combine was no where to be seen .

It is very difficult to look at a likely field on a Monday and arrange it to be shot by say the Friday , in the five days it can be bailed , muck spread and drilled with say fodder Radish and still have two days to settle down before you get there on the Friday , I looked around today to find somewhere for tomorrow , I found a few everywhere and not any good numbers nowhere , and with heavy showers forecasted for tomorrow I don't hold hopes of a heavy bag , still you don't know until you try.

Now the important bit , your lunch , I am afraid if I had been with you and things were slow I would have been tempted to have had a early lunch and enjoyed the goodies in the lunch box , Tell yer , my willpower is next to zero when it come to pies and Apple cake :lol: , Good luck when they start on your Wheat.

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