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13 minutes ago, Jacko3275 said:

I though it was pig pee

Do you know I have just done a Google search for what's AdBlue made from and I got a number of differing results, some say its made from animal urine and other say its made up of synthetic ammonia, 32.5% urea and 67.5% de-ionised water???

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11 minutes ago, old'un said:

Do you know I have just done a Google search for what's AdBlue made from and I got a number of differing results, some say its made from animal urine and other say its made up of synthetic ammonia, 32.5% urea and 67.5% de-ionised water???

It was an old trucker that told me pig pee but to be honest never really needed to look it up

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Pig urine? Well I did say this guide would cover everything you’d need to know and a lot of people seem to want to know if the old rumour was true? Is AdBlue made from pig urine?

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Well no, not quite. The reason for the rumours is that AdBlue is a 32.5% solution of pure urea in demineralised water. And while AdBlue is a synthetically based product, urea is something that is found in urine (animal and human) although in much, much, lower concentrations.

Although, wouldn’t it be great if we were able to recycle urine and waste into something that also helped the environment by reducing gas emissions?

50 minutes ago, old'un said:

Do you know I have just done a Google search for what's AdBlue made from and I got a number of differing results, some say its made from animal urine and other say its made up of synthetic ammonia, 32.5% urea and 67.5% de-ionised water???

How would they collect and produce the urea from farm animals, and can you even imagine the quantity of urine required?!! (the urea is only a very small component of urine)

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5 hours ago, Pistol p said:

Possibly from the air con condenser or inner drain. If you watch a car running whilst air con is running during a hot day you'll see water dripping from underneath. Perfectly normal.

if that is from the air condenser....................i hope he has made a will

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