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Mc Canns - Anyones thoughts a changing

Lancs Lad

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Just a thought on her disappearence. Was maddy even over there in the first place could something have happened to her over here and the parents said it happen over there to put off any investigation? a daft idea i know, but was there any outside witnesses before she disappeared to say she was on holiday?


This ain't going to develop into one of those, "I was kidnapped by Aliens" threads, is it ? :unsure:

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If nothing else, they are still guilty of being **** parents and selfish b*stards of the highest calibre for leaving their little kiddies alone while they went on the lash with their mates IMHO.




Absolutly spot on , selfish beond belief

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some interesting points here ..... i could make my own veiws known here but its all been covered.... lousy irresponsible parents, doesnt add up, horrible that she hasnt been found either way... and IF (?)innocent, horrible ordeal for the mccanns... maybe we'll never know what happened to that poor child... i only hope for her sake it was a case of overdose and coverup rather than being subject to anything at the hands of the sicko's....


slightly off topic, but in the same vein... what was the outcome of the young girl who was found in the uncles bed :unsure: that one quickly went away.....:hmm:


thats a point

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Just a thought on her disappearence. Was maddy even over there in the first place could something have happened to her over here and the parents said it happen over there to put off any investigation? a daft idea i know, but was there any outside witnesses before she disappeared to say she was on holiday?


This ain't going to develop into one of those, "I was kidnapped by Aliens" threads, is it ? :hmm:


No not abducted by aliens. What im saying is she never left the uk but the Mccans said she did and was then kidnapped to hide any evidence in this country. As i said just a daft thought :unsure:


Was there any record of her before it all broke on the news?

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They may not be guilty of Madeline's disappearance but they are certainly guilty of negligence. If they had been dutiful to their daughter, none of this would have happened. As their negligence opened the door on Madelaine's disappearance they are therefore party to it, like it or not.


They say you can't judge a book by its cover, but somehow in life, I have always been able to spot untrustworthy people around me. Each and every time I have seen the McCanns in the media, I have always felt similar thoughts about them.


Of course, it may well just be their way of dealing with having made a dreadful mistake and paying the biggest price for it. I have always tried to sum up how or what I would do in a similar situation, given that they must feel guilty in part, due to their negligence.


Ones things for sure, I doubt we will ever know the truth and without finding poor little Madelaine, there will never be any closure.


A sad story indeed.



Never a true word said..............


I have always had a suspect feeling about the Mc cann's and I am afraid that even with this outcome as it is the suspicion will always remain.


As said in earlier posts, right or wrong they went on the pop and left their children unattended. No-one giving them much stick about that one is there?


Well all I can say is if I was ever to meet them, they would told straight as it is..... And no doubt they would'nt like what i had to say either......

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