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Beaters from Tier 2, Cambs wanted for 26th/28th December


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Errrr ??? Your working aren't you?  I must admit I am befuddled by the rules but thought travel etc tier to tier was ok to work.  Maybe not Tier 4 because just heard one gun has had to cancel on a shoot near Ely because he lives in Tier 4 but he would not be working. 

All a lod of you know what, just saw a picture of neighbours living on the opposite sides of the road and the white line is the designation for two tiers.  You really could not make it up.

Edited by Walker570
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10 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Who decides upon that?

Well according to the BASC website they don't consider that driven game shooting or group shooting activities should take place .

Taking part in recreational shooting is not a reasonable excuse to enter or leave a tier four area    ( BASC words ,not mine )

18 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Who decides upon that?


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AT THE MOMENT all the shoots I have booked for end December and January are outside of the T4 area.  Looking at the full lockdown rules which T4 is in reality, then travel outside is only for essential reasons.   Fortunately I did not book two shoots across at Ely because I could not get accomodation. One of those will have to be cancelled.

The one today should be able to go ahead.

At least most of us have not thrown our arms in the air and given up on supporting shoots this season which means most of them will survive for next season.

Have a Happy one if you can and enjoy what sport you are allowed to have in January.  Think of all that pigeon flighting in Feb and March, some of the best sport you can get.

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On 25/12/2020 at 07:15, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Come on then your ladyship, how did it go, did you get enough Beaters?

It was a splendid day. Eight beaters, eight guns. Drive 1 I wasn't in the shooting, I was out on the end, but lots coming out of a long bank of cover. Drive 2 I was balanced on the edge of a pond. There were lots of ponds as it is Fenland, the ground was flooded. This was reasonably sure footing, I stood on a grassy knoll. A more modest set of birds but I managed to hit the one pheasant that came my way with a nice first barrel. Shame it fell straight into the pond! The nice chap on the next peg hoiked it out for me. I also raised my gun to a cock pheasant I thought was rising, but it suddenly changed direction and seemed to be coming straight for my hat. Drive three was a big flat field where things tend to go out to the left and I was set on peg with the instruction not to shoot the telephone wires. I left a couple of birds as being really too low but had one pheasant coming out to my right.  Drive four nothing really came my way. After lunch - and a dash home for dry boots for me as someone decided I absolutely had to go thought a ditch to get on peg on the first drive - drive five was much better. We redrew pegs at lunchtime as we were all mixed up plus we added a gun but I was in the same spot anyway. A few nice partridges came over me, got those, had a pheasant as well. A friend on my left went after the same partridge as me so I let him have the very high pheasant over my head. Partly because it was a good shot for him and he hadn't been there for the morning, but mostly because the mud was so dreadful  I was literally balanced on the fallen peg. If I shot anything directly overhead there was a good chance I would topple over and they would have to get a land rover to haul me out! Honestly, even standing on this piece of wood the mud was over my ankles. Drive six was the beaters coming through cover into a flooded  ploughed field. Two lovely roe deer came out, no birds in my direction. I left two very deep grooves in that field, trying not to sink. Last drive was the duck drive. It was incredible. The ducks have several ponds to choose from, so once they lifted off there was lots of variety, unlike a duck drive I have been on before where it felt like a slaughter. I had four good kills, but then the ducks climbed higher and I wasn't getting anything so I put my gun up. We shot 44 in total.  

In all it was an excellent day and it was managed so well given the short notice. I think I shot reasonably well, considering wet feet and a severe danger of being up to my knees in Fenland soil. I am so glad to have found this syndicate and I hope that I get to sign on for next year.

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Well looks like that is it anyway for this season with only those in parts of Yorkshire and Shropshire being allowed to continue there January dates as long as non of the guns come from T4 which surrounds them.  Midnight tonight it all comes to a halt and we must be good little boys and girls and lock ourselves in our homes and then everything will get better....NOT

Edited by Walker570
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