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Have to agree with above hmr is a lot louder without a mod enough sound to make your ears ring without the mod which is a good sign it aint doing your ears much good either :good: Moderated hmr still lets out a nice crack but no bang if that makes sense :D I know it sounds strange but i think the moderated hmr is nearly louder or as loud as a .223 with t8

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buy using a mod it not only saves on your hearing but also will increase your end bag of rabbits buy disguising the direction of the shot, which was primarily the reason why they were invented. :D


If as (I have done many a time) you miss your target i.e. a bunny, you may find on the odd occasion it will run towards you, its simply because the shot has hit something behind it and it will run away from that noise. If you take a shot without a mod on you are giving away your location.

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buy using a mod it not only saves on your hearing but also will increase your end bag of rabbits buy disguising the direction of the shot, which was primarily the reason why they were invented. :good:


If as (I have done many a time) you miss your target i.e. a bunny, you may find on the odd occasion it will run towards you, its simply because the shot has hit something behind it and it will run away from that noise. If you take a shot without a mod on you are giving away your location.

:blink: It has not happened to me with the hmr but with the .223 and mod i missed a fox and the thud of the bullet hitting the ground behind it made the fox come running straight in towards me :blink: moderators are the way foward me thinks :good:

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