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Well thats xmas cancelled


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A week ago after being in labour for days my daughter had a c section to give birth to her daughter her mum and i where doing shopping and going up to let both parents have a nap after the 4 pm feed till the 8pm feed as my daughter couldn't bend we also had the grandson so life was pretty busy and it filled the days . Till yesterday my wife slipped in the snow and broke her arm high up at the shoulder phoned N.H.S. 24 and had to drive threw the snow to a major emergency unit as our town only has a minor one . We had to wait a couple of hours to get seen but we watched the other patients with amazement , There was a big lassy brought in by ambulance holding a sick bowl , Her partner beat the ambulance in and after they dropped her off her partner ent for two McDonalds and the two lassies ate them while they wait the first one fanning herself with the sick bowl . There was a old guy in a wheel chair kept asking his family to wheel him to the toilet and came out eating jaffa cakes every time he came out . A old wife came out the treatment area sat down in the waiting area them got up and left her family couldn't find her and made a complaint they weren't impressed . My wife got taken in accessed sent to xray and back in the assessment area in 10 minutes , But because the breaks next to the shoulder theres no cast only to support the arm in a sling to aid the new bone growth . So dosed up with painkiller and sleeping in the armchair roll on February because we never got to go xmas shopping and missed the last post for xmas cards its going to be a funny quiet xmas here 

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Sorry to hear that pal but you will make the most of it anyway. My wife fell last year just before Christmas, broken ankle and two months in a wheelchair. I had booked a surprise hotel break in Chester, thought it was ruined but we managed. Pushing her wheelchair up the slope to the Monkey House at the Zoo was no fun mind  …..especially when I got to the top and she pointed out the lift 🤬🤬🤬. Just be thankful for your family.

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Wife had a horse riding accident 6 weeks ago. Riding her horse, saw a mate on hers and stopped for a chat. Her mates turned around and double barrelled her. Broke right leg 3" below her knee

now going through her mates insurance as she has to have her horse on full livery  until at least mid Jan .

had to ride back 20 minutes to the yard with a broken leg. Luckily she didn't dismount as the bone would have made an appearance 🤢

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Thanks for the get better wishes , No for the wife but for me its maybe a good thing Sunday right round the shop got our shopping loading it in the car and i forgot her cornflakes back round the supermarket again LOL, filled the car up with fuel on to my wee corner shop got my mags and lotto back hame had the house hoovered before 10 and hear was me thinking there was only one 10 on my clock . Went to Bookers today i have decided to bulk buy most stuff so i only need to pop out for milk during the holidays , I was just about to load up with some cheap damaged drink when i was told if i don't have a personal liquor licence i cant buy it  , No wonder it was cheaper than the average unit price . You just don't realize how much your partner does your busy from morning to night still got a call back to the hospital on the 30 th so hopefully see its healing okay 

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