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Baiting for rats..

Guest rimotu66

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Guest rimotu66

Ok I know its not pigeons but here go's.


Ive just had a phone call from a mate who delivers bulk gas to farms, he's got me permission to shoot on a local farm which has a big rat problem, they have lost 200 chicks to rats this year alone.


Question is , whats the best way to bait rats as i dont want to sit for hours waiting for them to show, and if i can make a difference it could lead to more permissions, you know the score, 'farmer tells farmer etc etc !!


Any advice would be appreciated.




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I think to make any impression you will need to trap them, fen traps or live cage traps together with shooting, i certianly wouldn't poison, as i would assume the farmer has dogs or cats, too much of a risk with secondary poisoning.


we used to use jack russels :blink: and an old chainsaw engine. brill :good:


i used to bait using mashed potato and eggs, i put a tip on here a while ago about putting "brasem" (fishing bait) in with it.


Try it, i will garantee it will attract, plus they cant run off with it :good:

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what i do is from the rabits or animals we shoot take the guts out of it and put some marmite on it ( great bait works great or me but they can run away with it so you will just need to be on your toes :blink: ) + it stinks so it should attract rats from miles away ! ko well it duz stink but not sure about the miles thing :good: and if there swarming with rats i would suggest rat traps (work 24 hours a day !) just like dougy said i use fen traps and they work a treat but i prefer shooting them :good: good luck and keep us informed



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Guest rimotu66

Thanks for all the advice guys, I havnt been yet so I dont know the full sp but my mate says theres loads of holes and runs, they wont use poison as its a chicken rearing farm , really looking forward to going as its my first permission so i want to make a good impression. I guess the best time is dusk or night and use my red filtered night light. I havnt got any traps and to be honest i want to shoot them.


Any more advice please give,,, i will update as soon as i have been and had a look.


How brave/shy are rats ? do i need to use cammo gear ?

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Liquidise some cat food with some water and put it into a squeezey sauce bottle. Decide where you want to bait and put some of the liquid on the floor and the rats will come for it. The idea is that as the bait is liquid they cannot carry it off as they usually do but have to stay there and lap it up :good: It is well tried and works for me.

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I agree with the liquidised cat food, they'll just sit there waiting to be popped off!


Also if you have to lamp them use a red filter as it won't spook them as much as a white light.

Shouldn't have to worry about camo as they can only see up to about 5yards, but there sense of smell is pretty damn good so if your outside, make sure the wind is in your face.

Rats are orrible critters, and its alot of fun splatting them :good:


happy hunting!

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Guest rimotu66
do i need to use cammo gear ?



Yes, make yourself look like a barn or a shed.



makes me laugh :good: how many folk actually take your advice would P myself at the thought :oops::yes:



You mean this method dosnt work,, damn, ive been up all night making a scale model of a dutch barn to sit in......... B) :lol:

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I got a call yesterday from an old lady who keeps getting a rat in her garden eating the bird feed , I didnt take any bait with me as it already had a food source . Its just a matter of sitting quite and waiting ... I was there an hour before it turned up then it was killed within a minute

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Fenn mk4's set in tunnels will work 24hrs a day and will significantly increase your kill ratio v/s time invested.


the bait i use for rats is sweetcorn on the cob. drill a hole through cob and tie it down so the little ******* can't roll it away, then as ratty wrestles with tasty treat let 'em 'av it. Works for me!

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swap and change baits regular , rats are cute , they remember what and where danger points are,and start avoiding certain areas,try biscits, old pies , some rotten fish,theres some good tips on this page try as many as you can, and move around each visit, dont shoot from the same spot ,

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the best way is trapping them , but its allot funner to shoot them :lol: the way me and my bro does it just sit an wait with the bipod out, where the food is or where you see them and if the farmer askes to come take him but be careful and make a good impression works for me and farmers are good at spreading a good word :good:



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Guest rimotu66

Well what a dissapointing night i had, spent about 3 hours last night , this place is alive with rats, there are loads of fresh used runs, umpteen holes around the buildings and rat -rubbish- all over I also saw about 7 dead 'poisened' rats....


So why did i only shoot one??


Me and my mate got there at dusk, punctured a tin of cat food at what looked like a very active area, set up an old car rear fog light clipped to a car battery , positioned the car 20 yrds away faced into a moderate breeze and waited..


We only got a shot on one rat each , mine was a kill his we wernt sure if he hit it , it jumped and ran but didnt squeel. In all we saw about 20 rats but all where way to fast to get a sight on. And none of them even sniffed at the cat food..


Any ideas , I'm hoping to go back tonight so could do with some more tips as to what you thing i did wrong!

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reading your post it seems you left a rear fog light clipped to a battery permanently switched on :good: In my experience this is a no no. The rats will come out to feed and what is normally in darkness is light thus setting off the ratty alarm bells. much better if you have one is to use a lamp with a dimmer switch and red filter and check your baited area every few minutes once the rats are out and feeding. You will still have to be quick and make sure your scope is set on low mag to give best light pick up and quick target aquisition.


Best of british on round two!

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