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The milk and honey are now flowing.


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... with apologies to Clodhopper who used that expression on the phone the other day.

A call from my usual companion resulted in an afternoon out today. We have both shot this field several times and know the lines well. Alas today the wind was too strong for the usual position and we had to set up at the opposite side of the field.

Pigeons overflew us constantly and only a small percentage came back to the two rotaries. 

My companion rarely leaves his hide but after two hours he joined me saying he had 50 Pigeons on his clicker and as I only had 43 on mine he wanted me to catch up. Big mistake. His presence meant a lot of misses and 15 cartridges were needed for me to shoot the remaining 7 pigeons.

We ended up with 110 pigeons, 3 carrion crows and 10 jackdaws.


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Great to see you and jacko? getting a few on the laid barley, cant get to mine now the railway gates to the bridge have been locked first time in 15 years due to some kids dropping stones off the bridge at the trains. I think its the kids from the caravan dwellers that have recently taken a fancy to live nearby.

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