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Beer and wine to???????


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I wonder if any forum members can satisfy my curiosity on a simple matter, or rather two simple matters.


(1) If you distilled a quantity of beer, would the result be whisky and would it be drinkable.


(2) Ditto wine would it be brandy and would it be drinkable.


Bear in mind that the process of home distillation is illegal. :unsure:




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I believe it can be done without it blinding or killing you. Are there any heavy duty poisons in wine or beer? By distilling the alcohol out of it are you introducing any poisons? I don't think so.

The stuff that blinds or kills people is made from meths or some such industrial spirit.

However, it's not going to be smooth drinking stuff and is likely to give you a seriously amplified hangover. Real distillers filter the stuff and rest it for years to get rid of most of the **** that makes you ill.


There are plenty of resources online for finding out how to do this. I've never done it and I'm not cheap enough or desperate enough to try but it doesn't seem difficult.

Of course, if you blind yourself don't come looking for me to complain.

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Some time ago, some Russian kids decided to make home brew Vodka. It was bogey, they took it to a night club, and a number of kids died.


Treat alcohol like fire. Dont play with it unless you have training and experiance.. its easy to get the wrong type of alcohol, most are actually toxic, the one thats in your beer and wine is Ethanol. Ethanol is already slightly toxic and causes problems when abused.. It leaves you with a 'hang over' as its actually poisoned you, and makes you feel rough when you have had one to many. Combined with dehydration.. we have all been there, dry mouth, sick stomach, and light head.


Methanol and others are the nasty ones.

Some will leave you with loss of sight, serious brain adamage, coma, or even death.

These types are more suited to engine degreasing jobs, and disinfecting.


Control is needed to produce the correct type of alcohol.

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I believe it can be done without it blinding or killing you. Are there any heavy duty poisons in wine or beer? By distilling the alcohol out of it are you introducing any poisons? I don't think so.



The main "impurity" you don`t want is Methanol and it is hard to avoid in any distillation process, followed by Lead poisoning if you use any lead type solder in the still.

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If you want you can try distillation by freezer. freeze as cold as possible, water freezes leaving concentrated alcohol in a very obvious seperation one side will be white and crystalline, like ice {which it is} and the coloured portion will be super strength wine, beer, whatever.


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Distillation doesn't produce methanol. Methanol is produced in fermentation. Any methanol in a distilled spirit was already present in the source booze - Blackpowder was talking about beer or wine. The danger is that if it's distilled at too low a temperature, the distillate could be near pure methanol and that won't do you any favours if you drink it.

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