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Nostalgia moment


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Back in the 80s I used to shoot vermin with a BSA Mercury and an HW35E that I loved but my mate had an HW80 I coveted, I went on to shoot HW77s and others but always reminisced over the HW80, fast forward to today and I have just ordered a new HW80 in .22.

I know they are heavy and cumbersome and there are more refined air rifles out there but thats my head speaking, Im having one!

So to all those with much more experience of the HW80 than me, what next?



Pellets to try?

Drop in bits to make it nice?


PS. Its going to get a lot of use on tree top squirrels, i’m not looking for long range rabbits but vermin out to 30m. Don’t mention open sights as my eyes cant do it unless we are talking deer size quarry at 50 meters!! (And not with an air rifle🤣)

Edited by Goldfish
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On 11/10/2023 at 19:56, Mice! said:

That is long range with a boinger 😅😅

I know @Mick C 97 has killed a couple, maybe one scope, so if your buying new I'd look at Hawke for being capable on air rifles and the warranty you get.

Cheers, I was thinking the same👍

23 hours ago, hawkfanz said:

i have one here in 177 totaly mint,shame its just sits there on a rack unused above my range of vintage bsa,s bought on a whim when had spare cash.heavy yes but very good.

Shame your so far away😟

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  • 3 months later...

In my humble opinion, the current 80 falls short of the excellence of its early versions. If I were set on acquiring one, it'd be an early Venom-tuned model or a well-maintained original. While still impressive, the definition of 'incredible' has evolved over time.

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Over the years I've had quite a few 80's. Most was a bit of a handful but easy to tinker with to smooth out. The best one was a Venom tuned .177 but that was sold when I started my pcp journey. I've also had a couple of 95's I just couldn't get on with. I regret selling my Venom & out of all my springers it was simply the best. A few 35's come close. All my Webley & BSA springers proved to be rose tinted nostalgia. I tried springers again & oh dear, ruined my happy days memories. I think the Joy's of springers today would be to buy a wreck, give it a service, leave as a tatty door stop to look at, enjoy close range fun plinking. Buying a new springer for nostalgia just won't be the same. Can you relive memories ? Are memories best left as they are while you create new different ones ? 

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Order a tbt kit and short stroke extension for it. Upon arrival strip and polish and clean the heck out of the internals. Fit back together as per the instructions and run a tin of cheap pellets through it. My hw's all do well with AADF  but you know what barrels are like. As a minimum when pellets testing I run at least 30 down to lead the barrel then shoot 5 x 5 pellet groups. Don't chase zero unless it's miles out, just use the same poa for the group and let the poi be whatever it is. I find an A4 with 5 dots on usually works. It really doesn't matter how fast or what shape or weight the pellet is (as long as you stay legal obviously), all that matters is accuracy. 

You probably already know some of the above but that's the advice I give to new shooters, so take from it what you can.

Other kits are available.

As for glass, Hawke is my go to these days, sat on Sportsmatch mounts. 

Edited by manthing
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