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Being of an enquiring mind or just poking my nose in [I was actually curious about the choke measurement] I thought I would take a look inside the moderator on my ancient Pedretti 410, after all six baffles fell out, closer inspection revealed that all six were bent on one side whilst one or two were bent on both sides. Im guessing this isn't by design, they are bent where the shot exits,  question which way round do the baffles go in ?



Edited by islandgun
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1 hour ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

The $64,000 question..........................:w00t:

More like a £80, Now Im wondering if the baffles push in concave/ dished profile as it were, then the dents were made by someone with a stick and anger issues, if they go in inverted then the dents were made by shot and wad leaving the barrel

Edited by islandgun
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1 hour ago, scarecrow243 said:

give it a good clean and put the baffles back in so the inside of each one faces the muzzle

Cheers mate, so its safe to assume the bent out bits, are the wad or shot bashing into the edge of the baffle, the outer edge or lip of some are also badly marked, as can be seen in photos, 😕

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IG, rather than throwing it all away, surely we can re-do the guts and get a good reduction in sound.


Might require a bit of filing and fettling to build up what you need to slow the gases down.


After all, you have the out container, let's look at improving the workings.

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28 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

IG, rather than throwing it all away, surely we can re-do the guts and get a good reduction in sound.


Might require a bit of filing and fettling to build up what you need to slow the gases down.


After all, you have the out container, let's look at improving the workings.

Mate, like I said I only paid £80 for it, the dents might not look much but the baffles are quite sturdy, I suppose I could enlarge the holes but would I trust it, the dents appear to be deceasing in size the further from the muzzle I am wondering if this is happening to other moderated guns though

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