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Looking to apply for my first FAC some advice needed?

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Hi everyone, 

Both me and my wife are looking at applying for our first firearms certificates in the Merseyside area and I just have some questions that I was hoping people would be able to provide me some assistance on. I have read all the guidance on the Merseyside police FAC guidance but I’m still left with some questions.

I'm looking to simply own a .22LR semi auto rimfire rifle for target practice at a local club. 

The Merseyside police website simply states that references cannot be “immediate” family members. It does not specify what they consider to be immediate family members? As in, can my wife’s mother or father act as a reference? How about her nan and uncle? What about my own uncle? I’m just not sure what they define as immediate family! As they don’t rule out ALL family they simply say no immediate family members.

I believe during the application I must specify where I will be firing the weapon? As in what range and the contact details for the range. If so, do I actually HAVE to start my membership at a club before my certificate is refused? Or can I specify what club I will be joining but actually join after the certificate is approved? Just don’t want to spend £££ on a club membership only for the application to be refused.

I am a civil servant and I already hold security clearance within the UK, does this by any chance speed up or help reinforce my application? 

Any advice or help overall would be great please! 


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There are a number of levels of security clearance, none of which would aid your application. 

As for "immediate family" - you would be advised to use referees who are not related to you at all.

If you don't join a club and build up a relationship there, I believe your application is doomed.

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Most home office approved clubs upon application ask the police if you have an previous and if it would or wouldn't be wise to grant you membership.  then you usually have to take part in an induction/firearms safety course and satisfy the club.  If all goes well then you will enter a 6 month probation period, once complete THEN the police will entertain a firearms application. applying before the probation period is over is unlikely to be successful and applying without being a member on intent alone is 99.9% sure to get refused almost immediately. most clubs have access to club firearms and you can buy and use ammo aslong as it doesn't leave the premises so if you are intrested in shooting and wish to do a bit target practice you can scratch the itch until youre granted an FAC.

to save confusion use references that arnt related to you in any form, and as far as im aware no profession will speed up the process.

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Joining a club first is usually a prerequisite for obvious reasons if you have no where else to shoot; serve your probation period then apply for your ticket. 
Just choose someone as a referee who is totally unrelated to you, then there’s no doubt. 
I doubt any level of security clearance will speed up your application process. 

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to apply for an FAC you firstly need somewhere to shoot.

whether that's some private (suitable) land or a rifle range/club.

it doesn't sound like you have any land so you will need to be a full member of a club having served your probationary period and passed the relevant checks on being a "fit a proper" person as prescribed by the home office.

with all that being said if you joined today you'll be expecting a near on 12 months wait before you receive your tickets if accepted.

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