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Honest answers only please, Britain next 20 - 50 years


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HOORAY for THE LAST ENGINEER!!Martin you might have the answer to all our troubles!! As you say you have plenty of room over there, then why dont we ship all these ***** who are taking over our country to your( Adopted country?) good work bud, I will come over next year and meet you at your local church!!! OOPS SORRY I MEANT MOSQUE !! :good::blush::oops::lol:



sorry mate, the invite was for pure white, god fearing, gun weilding, beer swilling, rugby loving brits only, if you cant handle your own imports, thats not my problem, send em back for a refund . :good:




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Damm Martin effendi, I thought I had you fooled there, Hhhmm, I will have to gain entry in to Canada by other means then! Mmmwhaaar, MMmmwhaaar. :good::good::lol: From your friend, Turbanman1.!!



dont come in speaking that frenchy lingo now " ya here" , can spot them politicians a smile away, will have to set a couple of "good ol redneck boys" on ya :lol:;)



Martino alfredo fetuchini (the newest member of the canadian italian community).

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Damm Martin effendi, I thought I had you fooled there, Hhhmm, I will have to gain entry in to Canada by other means then! Mmmwhaaar, MMmmwhaaar. :good::good::lol: From your friend, Turbanman1.!!



dont come in speaking that frenchy lingo now " ya here" , can spot them politicians a smile away, will have to set a couple of "good ol redneck boys" on ya :lol:;)



Martino alfredo fetuchini (the newest member of the canadian italian community).

Hhhm Looka here Martino, We agona maka you da offa you no refusa ! itsa callda the Horsas heada in the bedda kind of offa!! We nowa when youa a younga guya aforea you a marry, you often awaka in de mornink with many yunga girllsa in youra bedda in facta We! ofta paid to geta you offa the hooka, so nowa is time to paya off the don!(ME) astarta soon you willa taka 2.5 milliano Muslim guests on a longa time terma, so youa pay offa your debts!! OK ? Chou Baby!! iffa you reffusa we will send around Bagsy, Mungler and aworsta of all L V.

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:good::good::lol:ADZACTLY MATE :lol:;) WELL SAID :good::oops:

Blimey the Poles have invaded the forum now, it looks like civil war is upon us, pack faster, pack faster I tell you! :lol::lol:

haha you seen how many new members have joined lol,, there gonna kick you guys buts lol :lol::lol:

No its no use Junior, the mods are now ganging up on you, taking the**** to try to discredit your concern about the way our country is being taken over, I have read about these people many years ago during the second World War, they called them Quislings in that era, their response to their own peoples troubles made them very popular with the invaders, and they had a cushy life at the expence of their own peoples suffering. :lol::lol:




Yes but most Quislings were dealt with and got there just deserts when the countries were liberated.


One of the earlier posts mentioned firearms for personal safety, are there any records available that show how many asians have been granted licences to legally posses weapons, that might be a concern :yp:


:lol: D2D

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b man you'r going crackers and have used up all your jokes.

if you need some help pete's here lad don't worry.

we'll fight off the white coat men together. ;):good::oops::good:

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b man you'r going crackers and have used up all your jokes.

if you need some help pete's here lad don't worry.

we'll fight off the white coat men together. :lol::lol::lol::good:

thanks Pete, my only mate I have left!! Pete mate, be honest with me, when I come out of the home I have to go into, Will I still be as sane as YOU?. ;):good::oops:

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Well what I see is that a party like the NAZI's will get in then their will be a great war, cause thats how the NAZI's got voted in.


And if that doesnt happen I think its gonna be Like the USA where you will get a town full of white people and a town full of black people and a town full of asian people and if a white person goes into another races town they will get gunned down.


As a result gun crime will sore up and then their will be a ban on all guns and rifles. And only the rich will live out in the countryside.

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Well what I see is that a party like the NAZI's will get in then their will be a great war, cause thats how the NAZI's got voted in.


And if that doesnt happen I think its gonna be Like the USA where you will get a town full of white people and a town full of black people and a town full of asian people and if a white person goes into another races town they will get gunned down.


As a result gun crime will sore up and then their will be a ban on all guns and rifles. And only the rich will live out in the countryside.

God forebid my mate, that what you have said comes true, You like myself and many others can see whats about to happen These muslims dont want to intergrate with us, the single males amongst them are only to happy to impregnate silly british girls to control their offspring into becoming British Muslims?? and to plot and take over us in the next 20 years, no one seems to care anymore,If I was you I would emmigrate to Australia, or New Zealand, the USA , or anywhere you and your kids would be safe! I am an old bloke now. but I would say to you and your family, get out now bud, save yourself and your family.!! and goog luck to you all.

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All points well covered on this one.


The BNP are a party which many people will flock to in the near future, they are the only politcal section in this country to truly highlight the immigration problem and the thoughts of many natives to this country. All we hear from labour is 'immigration high on the agenda'


Labour caused the problem and thats fact. Now it is past the point of no return.


The establishment have you over a barrel everytime- They just label you racist...


One thing I will say- 99.9% of people in this forum will be hardworking working tax paying individuals.

I had a severe distain of people who abused the so called system in this country in the way benefits, not bothering to work etc..........


So as I cannot work due to geniunely medically diagnosed physical disability not to mention chronic physical illness; I must be a scrounger then? I used to work hard and was taxed registered all whilst studying full time; in the hope I could escape the hell from living at the family home. I did so but surviving that hellhole had its claim on my health.


I support responsible Welfare where the sick and Disabled are given what they need to live independant lifes. Many could and want to but need that starting boost to get going. Some will need to rely on welfare for longer dependant on their condition; some will be so Disabled as to need benefit for life. Perhaps these numbers could be cut even further by coughing up for life-changing drug treatments. The worst irony is the cheaper drugs like Morphine (slow-release) and other pain-killers offer solutions for many people with pain-related problems keeping them from working.


No Doc will script them for the patient though due to instituntionalised opiophobia in the healthcare system. So for a lot of people on the "Incapacity" perhaps soceity has forgot the reason why they are stuck on it in the first place: Treatable conditions but can't get anybody to treat them.


Of course what do my opinions matter? We all know how much the BNP despise "Cripples" who arent ex-military.



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I would also advise that in the 80's and 90's: While the UK and Australia passed increasingly draconian gun laws. New Zealand relaxed theirs. All guns that can be held by those who have Firearms License without additional endorsements. Are not subject to registration anymore. :good:


The NZ police just said it was not worth their time keeping registration of legally held shotguns and rifles (excluding MSSA's.)


You do need to register Pistols and MSSA's (Military "style" semi automatics) as well as have special endorsements on your license to own them. But I'm sure everyone would agree this is better than banning them. Getting the endorsements isn't that hard: Suitable club membership, additional storage req's and some additional fees etc.


Those lucky to have the points to get into one of our old "Dominions" should do so poste haste. NZ being top of the wish-list for firearms owners in my opinion.

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Well what I see is that a party like the NAZI's will get in then their will be a great war, cause thats how the NAZI's got voted in.


And if that doesnt happen I think its gonna be Like the USA where you will get a town full of white people and a town full of black people and a town full of asian people and if a white person goes into another races town they will get gunned down.


As a result gun crime will sore up and then their will be a ban on all guns and rifles. And only the rich will live out in the countryside.


What parts of America have you visited ?

I have travelled there extensively over the last 25 years, sometimes for 6 months at a time and I don't recognise anywhere you are describing.

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Well what I see is that a party like the NAZI's will get in then their will be a great war, cause thats how the NAZI's got voted in.


And if that doesnt happen I think its gonna be Like the USA where you will get a town full of white people and a town full of black people and a town full of asian people and if a white person goes into another races town they will get gunned down.


As a result gun crime will sore up and then their will be a ban on all guns and rifles. And only the rich will live out in the countryside.


What parts of America have you visited ?

I have travelled there extensively over the last 25 years, sometimes for 6 months at a time and I don't recognise anywhere you are describing.


cranfield, dont burst his bubble, :good::good::lol: , to me he could be describing parts of any country, certain parts of edmonton here are asimilar, kinda looks like a rainbow if the sun catches us at the right time of day :lol:;)


i thought gun crime was a thing of the past in the UK :good::oops:




off to watch the next epsiode of " little mosque on the prairie"

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What parts of America have you visited ?

I have travelled there extensively over the last 25 years, sometimes for 6 months at a time and I don't recognise anywhere you are describing.

Some of my family live their, and you look it up on the websites and TV.


I like the USA but their are a lot of places like what I have mentioned and if not their are gangs like MS13 which is one of the biggest gangs in the USA and they are mainly Mexicans. Now this is where the Uk is going at the moment its already happening in fact look at all the gun and knife crime in London and Manchester.


Thier is only one way we can sort this out vote for the BNP before the immigrants out number us.


And I got another view Europe will take all our powers away meaning any immigrants outside the EU that come in, they will point them this way. The British people will get downgraded than the rest of Europe



And berettaman1 I am thinking about moving abroad its either Canada or New Zealand. Which one would you choose?

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berettaman1 I am thinking about moving abroad its either Canada or New Zealand. Which one would you choose?


i wouldnt go to Canada :no::no::no: , they have policemen that wear red and ride bareback :blink: , too many people speak french :) , all the bad politicians are in the east :yp: , there are a lot of indians :unsure: , the ones with bows and arrows, im told there are to many imigrunts there, they have something called a "multi cultural society", i think new zeland is the call. :o

i havent been there :good: but it must be nice :( , they got a good rugby team as well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they used to have a good rugby team :no::no: .

ypu new zeland it is :lol:



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