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Help tackle the invasive Asian hornet before our bees are lost

Conor O'Gorman

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Complete waste of time. The Asian Hornet is without doubt a big threat to our honey bees, and it's concerning. 

But the idea an insect can be stopped by reporting a few sightings is complete waste of time.

Have we learnt nothing from Covid and the Lockdowns. Grey squirrels are easier to control than insects we couldn’t even stop them.



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As a bee keeper I would urge people to report sightings of asian hornets to the BBKA - https://www.bbka.org.uk/listing/category/asian-hornet-vespa-velutina or your local bee keeping group which can be found here - https://www.bbka.org.uk/find-beekeeping-near-you

They have been very good at responding to reports and removing nests so far as it is in their interest. I expect there will come a point where the asian hornets are established but delaying this point will help people adjust to living with then so reporting is worth while.

I would also add the asian hornets are more aggressive than our natives, so reporting and getting someone to remove their nest could well be of benefit to you.

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This so needs to be done. The more vigilant - and educated - people are, the better the chances of at least limiting the damage each year. To just wash hands and accept the fate is pretty pathetic. 

One thing that should be pointed out - although the average understanding is better on PW than in the wider population - is that there is media confusion (shocker!) over this. Vespa velutina, the Asian Hornet, is different to Vespa mandarinia, the Asian Giant Hornet. V.velutina is smaller than our European Hornet, Vespa crabro, so if you see a whacking great hornet, it's going to be V.crabro and fine. V.mandarinia is far bigger than both and is called the Murder Hornet in the US, where it's invasive. Some media outlets have mixed them up on occasion and googling 'Asian Hornet invasive' will bring up both, but the Asian Giant Hornet's never been seen in the UK.

Here's what you're looking for:


And here's what you're not looking for:


Asian Giant Hornet, Vespa mandarinia

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