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When we have a Gov't who want;

  1. To dictate what the industry can sell (as opposed to the market choosing what it wants to buy) - and pushing it in a direction the market doesn't want
  2. To impose rules on employment that;
  • push up the cost of employment
  • reduce the flexibility of empoloyment
  • makes damaging industrial action easier (always a motor industry weak area)
  • strengthens Union control/influence

then we are bound to see manufacturers moving to build in areas that are cheaper and more 'industry friendly'

Why make products that people don't want - and in a way that is more expensive than your competitors?

Edited by JohnfromUK
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If there was so much as a single shred of proof that CO2 was causing climate change I would be rooting for Nett Zero. What the hysterics don't grasp is that the supposed personal opinion of a scientist, or even a group of scientists, is not the same thing as science.

As John says above, the combination of Nett Zero lunacy dead set on bankrupting the country and kowtowing to the union Mandarins means it's all downhill from now on. Vauxhall & Stellantis are just the beginning and I can't see Jaguar surviving much longer.

The end of vehicle production in this country is coming and it's not far off. Thank you climate change hysterics.

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