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Chicken Rarebit With Mixed Veg

marsh man

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A strange one tonight with something I have never had , Chicken breast with cheese sauce and other bits mixed in , it was called of all things , Chicken Rarebit ,been out all day on our shoot and it was well past 5pm when I got home , only had a small bit of Christmas cake with a cup of tea and as I was fairly hungry I put my tea on at around 6.30 pm , only took about 40 minutes and if I wasn't hungry I don't think I would have ate it all , it was alright , had better and had worse , I have still got half of it left so I will have with some chips either tomorrow or Monday , for afters I finally finished off the ole Rhubarb crumble .


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7 minutes ago, Morkin said:

Don’t sound my cup of tea, but that looks good and also good you done yourself a meal after being out all day something to warm you up, Did you have a good day and find a few?😜👍

You have to try these different things if not you would never know if you liked it or not , after getting up a bit earlier than normal and not getting home till late I didn't want to spend ages cooking something so what I had was easy to do and didn't take long , in all fairness it filled a hole but another one of those meals I wouldn't repeat to often .

The day went well , what a contrast from yesterdays weather , the sun came out during the morning and it was like a early Spring day with hardly no wind , only to be expected the birds flew well and the bag was over three figures , this was our last planed day although they have got two small days with some Dutch guys , I don't go on those days now as my dog isn't fit enough to do all those days , our beaters day is on the 31st , hopefully this nice weather will play ball on that day .

This is how bright it was in the woods .


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MM ...what about trying this......

get a chicken breast or 2 ....beat it flat with a meat mallet (wooden)    roll it in flour ...dip it in a whisked up egg and drop it into a load of panko breadcrumbs....then fry in oil in a pan

seave up with a sauce (packet one) and vedge of your choice....

easy peasy......i would imajine you can do that with pheasant/ duck etc...

what do you rekon ?

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10 hours ago, Morkin said:

Glad you had a good day, And your dog what a stunner, coat shine absolutely fantastic, well done , MM😜👍

THANKS Morkin , Yes we have had some very good days this season , you find as you get older the seasons roll round that much quicker and now before you know it the end of another one is just around the corner , this sadly will be my dogs last season and although he can still work hard all day he is worn out longer now for a day or two after , still he would sooner be out than sitting at home with his four slippers on , we will do a few short afternoons down the marsh this coming week to see if we can finish on a duck or two and our last day is on the 31st before we then start the four Saturdays afternoons roost shooting , when one door shut then another one open .    MM


11 hours ago, ditchman said:

MM ...what about trying this......

get a chicken breast or 2 ....beat it flat with a meat mallet (wooden)    roll it in flour ...dip it in a whisked up egg and drop it into a load of panko breadcrumbs....then fry in oil in a pan

seave up with a sauce (packet one) and vedge of your choice....

easy peasy......i would imajine you can do that with pheasant/ duck etc...

what do you rekon ?

I will certainly try that method on both ducks and Pheasants as I have got a few of each and it's nice to try something different , I bought some of the small packets of Birds Eye mixed veg that one of the members recommended , so one of the Pheasants will be chopped up and made into a Pheasant cottage pie with some sliced spuds on top , I will let you know how it turn out .    MM

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