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gun law usa and here.


guns laws here and the usa  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. guns

    • would you like the usa gun laws here
    • make it harder two get guns here
    • have fac shotguns on sgc
    • or older two get guns here

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Mossy, on what are you baseing the question?


Actual experience of the US or newspaper/internet/tv reports?


The reason I ask is if you watch Micheal Moores bowling for Columbine, then view the website Bowling for Truth, and then live in the States for a bit you will have three different views on the subject.

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Mossy, on what are you baseing the question?


Actual experience of the US or newspaper/internet/tv reports?


The reason I ask is if you watch Micheal Moores bowling for Columbine, then view the website Bowling for Truth, and then live in the States for a bit you will have three different views on the subject.




i go two the states and stay on a cousins farms.in michigan been there 8 times going next year,now they can just go out and buy a gun, they have bought some for me,but i cant bring them back here,just wanted to know how you all felt about the gun laws here, are they two hard for us or know.

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Well what would happen if anybody from the UK could by guns/pistols/rifles, it will just be like the US, gang cultures, shootings in schools/colleges, and alot more police officers dead.


plus there will be 100 fold in people taking up pigeon shooting and wildfowling.

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Well what would happen if anybody from the UK could by guns/pistols/rifles, it will just be like the US, gang cultures, shootings in schools/colleges, and alot more police officers dead.


plus there will be 100 fold in people taking up pigeon shooting and wildfowling.




give it time.

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The difference being the way people are bought up.


Over here we are taught that guns are bad and kill people. The governement say we can't be trusted and impose strict laws to stop us obtaining them.


Over in the US its a different story, people are more responsible on the whole and the education system is better, especially regarding guns.

In ghettos where the poor people live, gangs are killing each other and robbing and mugging, then the police turn up and shoot them. On the odd occasion a loner schoolkid who is bullied gets a gun and shoots up the place.

Guns are easy enough to obtain in the US as its your consitutional right to bear arms. And anyone going into a shop to purchase a gun is obviously going to be responsible, otherwise they would buy a dodgy weapon off a dodgy guy in a bar, just like over here really.


So then with the advent of gangsta rap, young impressionable black kids in the UK want to be cool and hard and so get an illegal gun so they can be the boss man.

The press exploit this as much as they can by saying how bad and dangerous guns are and the government convinces itself that yes, they made the right decision in banning them.


I was born and raised in Missouri before moving to VA Beach where my father was an airman, I grew up around guns, M16's .45 colts and even vulcan cannons fitted to F4 Phantom jets. I could strip and clean a .45 colt auto when I was seven. It taught me a sense of responsibility, "if its not done right it could jam when daddy needs it and he could die". So from an early age guns held no stigma, no mystery.

Our house had guns lying around the place, there were 30-06 hunting rifles in the garage, 9mm glocks in the kitchen, hell, when we moved I found a .357 revolver under my bed in a holster, no one knew who's it was.


And you know what? Not once did any of those guns ever take it upon themselves to get loaded and shoot people.


Getting back on topic, yes you need some sort of control, you need to know that the person holding the gun is responsible and knows what they are doing.

Most homeowners in the US have a gun for home defence, it stands a good chance that anyone breaking in is armed so its ok for you to shoot them.


Maybe that's what this country needs to adopt, anyone who breaks into your property you have the right to defend your property how you see fit.

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Most homeowners in the US have a gun for home defence, it stands a good chance that anyone breaking in is armed so its ok for you to shoot them.


Maybe that's what this country needs to adopt, anyone who breaks into your property you have the right to defend your property how you see fit.


But it is the victim that gets put in prison if we do anything thats stops them.

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And that's where the law in the UK needs to change.

You should be able to defend your property how you see fit.


Anyone who breaks the law should have no defence offered by it, none of this "criminals have rights" ****. Break the law-suffer the consequences.




Any soldier using expanding ammuntion in battle is deemed an unlawful combatant and as such does not qualify for fair treatment under the Geneva Convention.

Basically they are breaking the laws and as such cannot complain of ill treatment by the other side if captured.


The same should apply in peace time :good:

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Well what would happen if anybody from the UK could by guns/pistols/rifles, it will just be like the US, gang cultures, shootings in schools/colleges, and alot more police officers dead.


plus there will be 100 fold in people taking up pigeon shooting and wildfowling.


Wouldn't you at least like the laws to be as they were before 1988?

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Mossy, on what are you baseing the question?


Actual experience of the US or newspaper/internet/tv reports?


The reason I ask is if you watch Micheal Moores bowling for Columbine, then view the website Bowling for Truth, and then live in the States for a bit you will have three different views on the subject.



Mossy. I don’t think that you’ve thought this one through. I can’t vote on these options because the vote options are too simplistic.

The gun law in the States varies from state to state and county to county. OK they generally have a greater access to guns, ammo and other stuff but in the majority of places there is no night hunting at all, guns have to be locked in trunk (Boot) separate from ammo when in vehicle. No hunting from vehicles. No lamping at all. You can’t just go out and shoot what you want. A lot of species have a bag limit and some you have to apply and pay for a tag that is date stamped. So if you haven’t shot your tag animal by that date its hard luck.

It definitely isn’t a case of do and have what you will out there. Most if not all states don’t allow night vision or silencers of any kind. So think again about how good it is there or how bad it is here. It isn't all wine and roses over there as some people would think.

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@ deadeye ive, you can never legislate against insanity.

I agree it's people who are dangerous not the firearm .My point is alot of school incidents in the US were and are the result of a unstable minor using their parents firearms and had those firearms been locked up in a secure cabinet then who knows .

Ther little b*****s would have used pipe bombs!

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Well what would happen if anybody from the UK could by guns/pistols/rifles, it will just be like the US, gang cultures, shootings in schools/colleges, and alot more police officers dead.


plus there will be 100 fold in people taking up pigeon shooting and wildfowling.


Wouldn't you at least like the laws to be as they were before 1988?


I wasnt smart enough to know of the gun laws befor 1988 as I was only 3 yrs old

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The main change I'd like to see is more staff in firearms depts so that applications and variations get done quickly. We're very lucky in Devon and Cornwall area, typically a week for a new SGC, three for a FAC and about a week for a variation, to a fortnight if they are busy. Some poor beggars in other parts of the country have to wait months for even a variation.

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  • 1 month later...

basically what im saying is keep liscences but only have one liscence for both gun types and if people can agree to the following that is fine so,:

if people want to use a .308 on squirrels then so be it as long as they are safe wth them and dont use caibers too small for certain quarry i think people have a right on how many guns they want and which ones they want just like with shotguns because if the police let them know what each gun is right for what and give practical advice on how to use them safely people should be able to use sect 1 guns just like shotguns are used!


Because we need gun liscencing to keep the loonies out!!!! :good:;):lol::lol::lol::lol:;):good::D:D:good::good::yes:

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