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Lamping session


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I bought myself a Night vision monocular from Lidl yesterday, so tonight was going to be my first outing with it, so i picked up my son (Dan) at 6.30pm and we were off up the farm. It was not as cold as Sunday night, (4 degree's) but there was an easterly wind and a half moon, and trying out my NV i was impressed, and with an IR filter fitted to my Lazerlite it will really be a good addition to my hunting gear.

We slowly made our way round, me using my NV unit and my son was the lamper, but it is not easy using the NV unit and trying to walk at the same time :lol::lol:

Halfway round the ground we failed to spot anything at all, nit even any rabbits :no::lol: Then my son scanned round with the lamp and spotted some eyes along a hedgerow some 300 yards away, we gave a few little squeak's but it wasn't interested at all, it was heading along the hedgerow to our right nose to the ground, then after some 50 yards it turned tail and headed back to the left and disappeared through another hedge :good:

We carried on towards the valley where we spotted one the other night, and Dan had a good scan around then spotted some eyes 350-400 yards away heading up the valley into some cover crop, i gave a few squeak's but again it wasn't interested at all, and we lost sight of it, so we were heading off through a small copse. I got to the gate and turned round to notice that i was on my own :yp: Dan was stood in a different spot looking back to where he had spotted the Fox, then i heard "Dad, dad, quick come here" i headed back to where Dan was and the fox had reappeared walking along the fence line of the cover crop and into a small copse, i quickly got my bi-pod out of it's pouch and attached it to the rifle and got down ready to take a shot when the chance came. We could see it's eyes as it made it's way through the small copse, but there was no chance of a shot, but we stayed focused and waited for the right moment, the Fox was not bothered my the lamp at all, and we didn't try to call again in case it thought something was up. This fox was on a mission sniffing intently, so i thought maybe it was a Dog Fox on the trail of a Vixen, then it was in some bracken and was making it's way towards a small track, it came through the hedge and onto the path and was heading toward us, i shouted "Oi" and the fox stopped and looked at us i centred the cross-hairs in it's chest and squeezed off my shot "Thwack" my shot finding it's mark and dropped the fox on the spot. Dan headed off to pick up the fox and i scanned him with my range finder 111 yards, and when he brought it up to the FP it was a head shot, my shot going a little high due to shooting down hill, and the fox only had half a tail and it was a Dog fox.



We were both chuffed and i was more so because Dan had not given up on that fox and stood his ground ( a thing we could all learn to do when out shooting)


Having bagged one we were happy so headed back towards the farm and were going to head off home, but we were still scanning the fields in case we spotted anymore. Then just as we were a field away from the farm we spotted another one, so tried to get into position for a shot, but lost sight of the fox, so we slowly made our way towards the last point we spotted it, then a glimpse of an eye heading towards the cow shed, so we quickly headed to a spot where i may be able to to take a shot, then the fox looked at us and was off, the wind was swirling and i think it caught our scent, and was not stopping. Dan scanned a field behind us that border's a large wood and spotted eyes in the middle of the field, so we doubled back and headed off towards those set of eye's, but it didn't hang about, but we carried on and got into that field and had a good scan about, but it had gone. We decided to head for a small track that leads towards the farm, when dan spotted a different fox in another field, and it was heading to our right, nose to the ground and intent on looking for something, quickly the bi-pod was on but when i led down i had to poke the muzzle through a fence to get a clear shot. This is where the Polecat bi-pod comes into it's own with it's flexible yolk allowing the legs to spread wider for a lower ground clearance.

I was ready for the shot but the fox was not bothered by the lamp and was moving as if it was on a mission, again i shouted "Oi" and the fox stopped, a broadside shot, looking through the scope i saw the fox slump at my shot, we were both really pleased, another dog fox, at 140 yards.



It was 9.45pm and two dog foxes so we called it a night, happy with our bag.


I'll be going out with my new NV spotter and my Warrener stink pot and will sit and wait by the farm to see how i get on, but will probably be after Xmas now :no:

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