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Immigrants Everywhere!!!


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Guest The Outlaw
Sorry Blackpowder I dont agree on the room for everyone statement.


The roads are the worse they have been for years, lack of housing is becoming chronic, railways are crumbling,


twisting and killing far to often. And the general infrastructure of this country has hit rock bottom, along with public services


our prisons and legal systems are near breaking point.


The only thing on the up is everyone pulse when imigration is discussed.






If I read it right, I think Blackpowder was doubting that we have got room, not saying that we have plenty :)




Well spoted that man, I think you are right Chard, BP is questioning wether we have the room for everyone.


Sorry Blackpowder I miss read you thread.



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I've been watching this thread with interest, the usual rants, twists and bickering that are normal in this type debate add to the flavour. What is missing is a reply from the accused or other side. A one sided debate is no debate at all!

I'd like to make comment from the middle ground being a 1st generation Brit from a migrant family.

My skin pigmentation, beliefs and parents nationality are not relevant. My family came to Britain in the early 1950s to start a new life and have never been a burden to this nation. My parents worked hard, learned the language and were allowed to integrate into the local community where my father in his old age is still respected. My father has always worked the land and in post war Britain had no problem finding work. He provided our family with a home, fed and clothed us and provided stability while declaring himself British. Not once did he sent money out of the country and has always paid his way.

Many of you have had first hand dealings with modern migrants and your impressions are favourable but I get the feeling that many make comment ( and not just on this forum) without such experience. I'm not advocating you "hug an immigrant ", but don't judge them on hear say or by the media. The majority of these people just want to get on with life and better themselves. This is not the only place with a dense population and a large immigrant work force. Remember, these people are looking at us with envious eyes, at our wealth and life style and they want some of it. This nation for all its faults is leading Europe and most other parts of the world and in that we should be proud.

What I can't abide are people of any nationality that don't pull their weight or contribute to the nation, if you don't put into the system why should you take out?

Well that's my input for what it's worth. Happy Christmas to you all. Ds.

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Yeah, thats rich coming from you ,just been reading your heart rendering story about your cars being vandalised on LV,s : thread. Who,s winging now? oops forgot you never complain, do you? have a nice Xmas :):lol::lol:


1. How was an on-topic post trolling?


2. I didnt goad the vandals into doing it first and then gave it the 'poor me' treatment.


I stand by what I said, if you want to continue this discussion you can PM me. If not happy xmas to you also.



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ive just come across this clip , its unbelivable ! an african woman comes to the uk has 5 kids receives 33 thousand pounds per year in benefits and is moaning that she doesnt have enough money! long clip but interesting





down south dont get me wrong, im not racist in any way shape or form i just feel that uk is letting in far to many unemployed and unskilled people into the uk look at the size of australia , to get into austrailia you have to have a trade and financial stability i just cant understand why the uk government are letting so many immigrants drain our economy. I know we have our fair share of dole merchant brits in the uk i think they should be addressed harder as well.

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So how many imigrants have you seen blow up buses. Im sure The ira have blown up more. Oh and there UK Citzens. You may have not seen them blow up buses but they do murder children on liverpool and manchester streets. Or beat granfathers to death outside there homes in view of there grandchildren.


I believe you will find that the Irish Republican Army are NOT UK Citizens.




Martin McGuinness one time second in command of Derry IRA - Born Derry, Northern Ireland part of the UK thus a UK national.


gerry Adams - leader Sien-fein (The IRA's political side) - Born west Belfast, Northern Ireland part of the UK thus a UK national.


I could go on but i wont. Merry Christmas one and all :)

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ive just come across this clip , its unbelivable ! an african woman comes to the uk has 5 kids receives 33 thousand pounds per year in benefits and is moaning that she doesnt have enough money! long clip but interesting





down south dont get me wrong, im not racist in any way shape or form i just feel that uk is letting in far to many unemployed and unskilled people into the uk look at the size of australia , to get into austrailia you have to have a trade and financial stability i just cant understand why the uk government are letting so many immigrants drain our economy. I know we have our fair share of dole merchant brits in the uk i think they should be addressed harder as well.


This was on tv a couple of months ago, The government dont care, they help the immigrants because they know that the immigrants will vote for them in the next elections, leaving us with no voice. I dont think any other party will get in for a long time because of this.

Labour has seized the opportunity to bring in as many immigrants as possible, make them feel welcome give them money for nothing and in return vote for labour.

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So how many imigrants have you seen blow up buses. Im sure The ira have blown up more. Oh and there UK Citzens. You may have not seen them blow up buses but they do murder children on liverpool and manchester streets. Or beat granfathers to death outside there homes in view of there grandchildren.


I believe you will find that the Irish Republican Army are NOT UK Citizens.




Martin McGuinness one time second in command of Derry IRA - Born Derry, Northern Ireland part of the UK thus a UK national.


gerry Adams - leader Sien-fein (The IRA's political side) - Born west Belfast, Northern Ireland part of the UK thus a UK national.


I could go on but i wont. Merry Christmas one and all :)


Northern Ireland is only part of the UK because Britain says it is. The IRA are not UK citizens! :lol:


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I've been watching this thread with interest, the usual rants, twists and bickering that are normal in this type debate add to the flavour. What is missing is a reply from the accused or other side. A one sided debate is no debate at all!

I'd like to make comment from the middle ground being a 1st generation Brit from a migrant family.

My skin pigmentation, beliefs and parents nationality are not relevant. My family came to Britain in the early 1950s to start a new life and have never been a burden to this nation. My parents worked hard, learned the language and were allowed to integrate into the local community where my father in his old age is still respected. My father has always worked the land and in post war Britain had no problem finding work. He provided our family with a home, fed and clothed us and provided stability while declaring himself British. Not once did he sent money out of the country and has always paid his way.

Many of you have had first hand dealings with modern migrants and your impressions are favourable but I get the feeling that many make comment ( and not just on this forum) without such experience. I'm not advocating you "hug an immigrant ", but don't judge them on hear say or by the media. The majority of these people just want to get on with life and better themselves. This is not the only place with a dense population and a large immigrant work force. Remember, these people are looking at us with envious eyes, at our wealth and life style and they want some of it. This nation for all its faults is leading Europe and most other parts of the world and in that we should be proud.

What I can't abide are people of any nationality that don't pull their weight or contribute to the nation, if you don't put into the system why should you take out?

Well that's my input for what it's worth. Happy Christmas to you all. Ds.



On this balanced note we will close this thread.


I'm sure it won't be long before another one like it comes along. :)

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