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Magpies are gay

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During my reading up on air rirles I've leant for accuracy it's very much down too the specific rifle not even model each rifle has it's preference apparently anyway!!


I also remember reading about one shop that does a selection of pellets of different type, I think it was about ten of each kind, maybe someone else knows who it is that does this.



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During my reading up on air rirles I've leant for accuracy it's very much down too the specific rifle not even model each rifle has it's preference apparently anyway!!


I also remember reading about one shop that does a selection of pellets of different type, I think it was about ten of each kind, maybe someone else knows who it is that does this.





Probably it is http://www.pellpax.co.uk - they certainly sell these sampler packs.


Cheers - Bolta

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Hi Magpies,


My gun is a Daystate Huntsman .25 and I am shooting Bisley Pest Control pellets out to around 60 yards with 1" groups on a no-wind day.

But I actually don´t see what you can use this for ? As Squintshot has pointed out all airguns are different. What works for one may not works for the next guy !!


Cheers - Bolta

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have had variouse rifles including :tx200, s200, bas lightning, webly stingray, s410, hw95, hw77, hw90, hw80, b2 and gun power stealth (PRE 2000 MODEL) probably missed a couple of rifles out but my brains not working yet only had one coffee :).


apart from the stealth and B2 (which are notoriously bad to start with) have used air arms field/jsb exacts (basically same pellets apart from the price) and all have given me amazing groupings at 35-40 yards, though i have got to retry the HW80 as it was slightly over when i took possesion of it and has been away to be detuned.


and yes i have tried variouse pellets with varying results, accupel gave me a lot of flyers and second best gropupings, also tried the lazadomes and daystate just to see how they compare to the JSB pellets and as you would expect almost identical groupings, they are identical pellets but with a different sticker on the tin, and this information comes dirrect from the manufacturer!


so have yet to come accross a rifle that dose not like the jsb's


and at £2 a tin for .22 im not complaing!!!!!!

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Used to shoot a HW 80 with 3 types of pellet 1)Bisley pest control for ratting squrelling & barn work 2) crossman accupells bunnies & pigeon 3) sn2s bunnies & pigeon. The funny thing was that the accupells and the sn2s needed no adjustment on the zero while i could shot the B.P.C with minimum diference to the zero for the sn2s and accupells go figure.

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Bolta are you using bisley pest controls for rabbits? I have been using accupels in my harrier and have had good results with them but my destructions with the gun say use if accupels(shorter) could damage / void the warranty? yet the bisley pest controls dont penetrate as well? admit they are more like a dum dum than the accupell, but would like to know of your results with them before I go bunny bashing with them? they are accurate mind!

cheers keith

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Bolta are you using bisley pest controls for rabbits? I have been using accupels in my harrier and have had good results with them but my destructions with the gun say use if accupels(shorter) could damage / void the warranty? yet the bisley pest controls dont penetrate as well? admit they are more like a dum dum than the accupell, but would like to know of your results with them before I go bunny bashing with them? they are accurate mind!

cheers keith



Just to point it out - my gun is FAC gun in cal. .25 running at 56 ft/lbs. So you can´t make a direct comparement with a non-FAC gun. At that power it takes all airgun quarry clean down also incl. rabbits. I have no problems with penetration what so ever !


If you are using Bisley Pest Control pellets in a sub 12 ft/lbs gun - I will suggest that you keep the range down to max. 25 yards or you get a rather bowed trajectory. If you use them over 25 yards they probably won´t be accurate either. Another problem with non-FAC guns regarding Bisley Pest Control is that they not always have the power for penetrating and expanding on a quarry - so you better keep the range down and use these pellets on "not so tough" quarry like rats, starlings etc.


Cheers - Bolta

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hi engineer i used to use the promethius Sn2s in my HW80 they go just sweet with it although i wouldnt recomend them for in close stuff like pigeons in a barn i had one Go clean through a pigeon & put a hole through some corrigated plastic :*) luckily it didnt smash so the farmer was ok with it seriously embarissing :*)

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