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Gunpower Stealh


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all depends on if you can try before you buy.


there are two catagories of stealths either good or bad! if you get a good one you will love it to bits if its a bad one you wont be able too look at it without hating it!


they are a very nice rifle when shooting straight, but mine gives a 6" grouping at 35 yards!!!! well it did before the valvue went poo poo! thugh i have to say it is one of the most simple rifles you could ever want to work on! just a coulpe of screws and its all in peices.


also i you can put it over a chronograph, if you have one.


even if it is one of the bad ones there are pleanty of people out there able to bring it up to a very good standard and there is a scotish pest controller who usees only the gunpower range for all his shooting!


the one draw back with them i feel is that as they were an anglo/ammerican desing concept when it came to the uk version it was detuned so at the high power they are an excellent rifle but somewhere in the detune other things went astray as well.


but at the price they are you will be hard pressed to find another rifle capable of putting out 300+ full power shots!

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I'll second everyones posts about the gun so far, but I had a gun(.22) that was an excellent gun out of the box and with the bi-pod it was shooting 1/2" groups at 30yards, 1" at 40yards which was fine for hunting, but the moment something happens to them its becomes a hard job fixing them. But if your good with the technical side of guns and can play about with it then if bought at the right price i think they can be worth the money. JMHO.

yis andy

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  • 2 weeks later...

hhhhhhhmmmmmmm I feel in the minority here :*) I have had 3 and have loved um all. I must agree that straight out of the box they can be very poor quality but with a little time and knowledge you can create a very acurate very consitsant rifle. But I will say they are not for everyone. but at the right price they are a good project especialy if you want to FAC them.

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Good gun in principle, fcuked up by a british designer and british parts :D

Nothing wrong with British design or Engineering mate..... :)


Anything good in this world was invented by a BRIT. and gifted to the rest.


The only thing Europeans can design is Clothes, Perfume and poncy looking sports cars.


Have some Pride..... :):P


Nothing wrong with the GPS that a bit of technical ingenuity wont put right.



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ditto to fm ,wish more people had pride in being a brit and having the ability to learn a skill for the future,if you look at the uk now its lack of skilled men being trained shows that people want to much of an easy life and dont want to work for a living the skills of old are slowly being lost to the high production low quality industry .i have been here in canada for 11 years now in the design and manufacture of drilling equip for the world over , and am very proud to be a skilled "englishman". :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a stealth and am very very happy with it i bought the whole lot i also have it FAC you can knock pigeon and rabbit no problem with it i use a tasco mildot site on it and you cant miss if you have a steady hand the only thing i might say is there are silencers out there better than the geniune stealth one.


As for pellets try Eley No2 Magnum Pellet but only for use with FAC rated its like haveing a .22 rimfire in your arms.

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I'll second everyones posts about the gun so far, but I had a gun(.22) that was an excellent gun out of the box and with the bi-pod it was shooting 1/2" groups at 30yards, 1" at 40yards which was fine for hunting, but the moment something happens to them its becomes a hard job fixing them. But if your good with the technical side of guns and can play about with it then if bought at the right price i think they can be worth the money. JMHO.

yis andy

I bought this gun off Andy , renewed parts , but due to inexperience with air weapons , was disapointed at first . Finaly using accupel pellets I'm happy with the gun , still unhappy with the man behind it though, more practice needed. :):P baikiel boy

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Yeah i figured that one out as soon as i'd posted it, lol. But how exactly do you go about making a 12ft/lb gun into something that can shoot around 25? to me thats nuts...!


I've already applied (and paid, ******* government) for a certificate, so hopefully won't be too long, lol.


The Last Engineer.... i'm in Paulton on the way to Wells, where abouts are you?


Any good places in bristol to get meself set up with a precharged and all the initials?


I really want a take-down style rifle, i know it's a bit hollywood but always wanted something like that since i was ickle. Been shooting springs for years, getting a bit bored of them, wouldn't mind a nice recoil-less take down! But... only one's i've found are the Stealth/storm/shadow series by gunpower and the logun sweet sixteen.... surely there's gotta be more around... any ideas?




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heh heh heh having said that, i've just found the air arms TDR, damn thats a nice looking gun. I've gotta say, i prefer the look of the logun/GP guns but there's gonna be no doubt that the AA is gonna be a hell of a lot better as it's based on the S410... damn, what do i get?


started off as £310 on the stealth now it's not far off £540 for the AA TDR... damnit! i still gotta buy the filling equipment! :yp:



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hi jack , know paulton very well drove over it a few times on the road :lol::lol:

im from just outside the city,staple hill ,kingswood (west side )

left in 93 now live here in edmonton canada.

not to sure on the shops left in bristol ,i know veals (old market) is still there and they cover a lot of air gun equip,also another shop in brislington cant remember the name (i'll forward it when the grey stuff starts working again)


anyway good luck in your firearm search . :yp:



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  • 3 months later...

In All i would say whay you pay for a new stealth (talon) is a bit over the top for the quality of the goods. I feel personally they are NOT finished articles. I own one and find it is quite OK but not 10 out of 10. Grouping is inconsistant as the air is un-regulated and i think the 12" barrel is a bit short for the job. It's like a pistol in rifles clothing. Don't get me wrong i can seek rabbits at over 40 and up to 50 yards with relitive ease but i KNOW this gun can be better with a bit more time spent on it. As people have rightly posted the early stealths (pre 2000) were bad BUT only due to the barrel and the 1 grubscrew on the top hat design which was ironed out later in the 3rd attempt. Be aware you may get one far over the 12flb limit straight from the box but there is a new anti tamper top hat in the system and on the way which is a shame as most will then be around 10.8 to 11flb to cover the manafacturers backs from prosecution. I would suggest buying a spare bottle NOW for all you stealth fans as eventually they will be like hens teeth and everyone will want them. With the barrel only being 12" it doesn't give enough time for the pellet to rotate fully in the barrel and i think that has a bad effect on the pellet unless you are producing more than the legal 12flb they seem to like to be about the 20s to early 30s up over as they were designed for the american market and not to be so mamby pamby powered. A word of caution to the owners of the stealths!!!!! Do NOT use wet lubes (oils) on the hammer and springs and no grease either as this attracts dirt and grit to stick to the mechanisms and cause premature wear of components and damage to the breech under the hammer causing some air loss. 2 ways you can get round this. 1 is to fine polish the barrel under the spring and hammer with a very fine jewelers compound taking care not to polish too long and take material from the area. The second i was informed by a gun tuner to use Napier formula X spray. You spray the oil on and polish it and as it dries it makes a nice smooth surface that the dirt won't adhere too. On the whole i would give this rifle about 7 out of 10 now and when i get my barrel back it will have vented spacers and the barrel re-crowned i also purchased a 20lb spring and a new aluminium hammer which is said to improve the consistancy when all assembled together and refitted to the gun. I have had worse guns in the past but they were always cheap this is mid ranged and i expected it to be better quality for the money.



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