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Most people have AdAware or Spybot to clean their computers of Spyware.

Now there is a free (donate if you wish) programme, that prevents the SpyWare getting on your computer.

I have had it installed for 3 weeks and run AdAware and Spybot every day.

Since installing Spywareblaster, they have not found any SpyWare (its usually 2 or 3 a day).


Just install it and keep it updated, thats all you do. :lol:



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i am S going to O try and F let ya's all T into a little W secret and A please do not R give E, me IS, heartache F about it R you can E get anything E, you want off the net.


I am P gonna get A shot down Y, from certain F people i O know but R, i am only N trying O to help T you's H out here I as i tried N i earlier on tonight G.


i did try to give you's a hint earlier but to no avail.


read the capital letters please. commas indicate end of word. andi will edit this post tomorrow.



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