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My pride and joy thats being delivered jan 05


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Congratulations, and as the others have said, start saving, children are a very expensive hobby.


My daughter is now 25 and presented me with a grandaughter on Christmas eve. My son is now 21, 6ft 3", 18 stone, and still costs me a fortune, but I wouldnt change him.


A word of caution with regard to the scans. Keep your money in your wallet!!


Having had some considerable experience of NDT and interpretation of ultrasonics, I was convinsed that I was having a grandson, and almost bought the obligatory train set. However caution prevailed and no bets were laid.


I can not explain the emotion on Christmas eve when I was told that I had a healthy grandaughter, I was really expecting a boy, you cant be much more wrong than that.


Children are a joy to behold, and much more pleasurable second time around.





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Children are a joy to behold, and much more pleasurable second time around.

Congratulations and i hope everthing goes well.


Webber, your statement is perfectly correct, the main advantage of the second time round ones of course, is that you only have to have them in small doses and can then hand them back to the parents. :lol:

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:lol: To add to my last post, i must admit that even at age 33 they still have their uses.

My son paid me a rare visit from South Wales this week and i "happened to mention" that his breakfast would taste a lot better if he tried out my new lawn mower !!!! :lol:


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As said before Grandkids are better, have excuses for second chilhood,

get all the new toys and play with them!!!!!! fill them them up

get them hyper and hand them back!!!! :lol:


Cant wait till they are old enough for a 410 (5yrs, 2 yrs and a girl of 2 months)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congrats mate!!


I have 2 boys, now 6 & 4. I wouldn't be without them and they love it when dad brings home dead birds, rabbits etc.....


We aware they dont come cheap!!! it took 3 years to financially recover to a point where I could afford to shoot when I wanted to.


Keep us upto date we exspect more photos!!!! (No gorey stuff thanks, twice was enough)


Enjoy your freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!



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