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FAC renewal


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even so technically still holding firearms illegally so are they really going to hand a firearm over to someone who does not have a current FAC and leave themselves open to prosecution somewhere down the line.


this is the biggest problem faced by us all a verbal agreement has no standing in law and can also just as easily be denied


should something go wrong during this period when you do not technically and legally have an FAC it is you thats in the phoo not the police


A section 7 should be made more easily available to avoid this problem



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You DO NEED one its just too much extra work for them and will slow everything else down which i understand, therefore I would have thought that they would be able to provide a legal document that is sent out with your renewall stating the basics of your ownerhip and use of your firearms that will cover you legally untill your FAC came through, computer generated valid for say, 3 months so if your renewal isnt reaplied for or granted for some reason there is an expiry date on the paperwork


Just a thought



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It's an absolute farce; they are forcing shooters to break the law (serious offense too) to cover for their own incompetence to anticipate the backlog. Given they now have all your details on computer file in a standardized format (thanks to the waste of time "Gun registry.") They are just being totally lazy if they say they cannot issue a sect 7 permit.


What if something cropped up on medical or the PNC check gives a false positive? Sometimes people still show up as having criminal records on the PNC because the police put the conviction on in advance of the trial to save time. Think being tried for Assault after acting in self-defense and getting completely acquitted at trial due to bystander-witness evidence etc; then finding out at renewal you FAC/SGC has been declined as you apparently have a criminal record.


Not only would the police likely seize and destroy your guns without compensation; you would have to likely take the chief constable to a tribunal with the Information Commissioner to get the mistake removed. Yep thats right; the police can give you a false criminal record and wont fix it unless they are forced to by the commissioner. This can take up to a year to fix; then you got to re-apply for your FAC/SGC and hope they don't just automatically decline it again out of spite. Meaning having to take it to a very expensive and long winded appeal.


Obviously this is a worst case scenario but, without a temp permit if your renewal is messed up you may get your guns seized and have to fight very hard to get them back. Don't take their word for it that they will look the other way; get the BASC firearms dept onto them ASAP.



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OK just to round this one off, and to recap I have spoken to, in order police HQ, BASC, and my FEO.

And I am going with the advice of the FEO, do nothing.

I have enough ammo to tie me over and I am not going abroad with my gun until Novemeber, I would like to think it will be renewed by then :blush:

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  • 3 weeks later...

We all love a story with a happy ending, squeaky clean new FAC and SGC arrived on Friday.

All I asked for was done apart from sending me an EFAC, so I will do that some other time.

No one got arrested, no one died :blink:

I am so glad I didn't take the advice to get a temp cert or hand all my guns and ammo into an RFD and then try to claim back the storage charges etc etc etc

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