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strange finding


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You can legally hold a pistol in the UK for killing wounded deer, FAC's for 357 and 44 magnum revolvers are granted to deerstalkers, could possibly be a revolver in 9 mil used for this purpose, Ruger used to make them. I think that it is unlikely that a 9 mil auto would be granted for this purpose. The most likely is that it's from an illegal pistol, I picked up 8 empty cases on the foreshore a year ago, that was obviously an illegal auto.

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Some blanks only have a paper wad pushed tightly into the front, not even a crimp..

IMO I wouldnt worry about a single casing, when I was a lad (not that long ago) I had a pocket full of rifle and pitsol casings, and lost them over time. A better pic would be nice, from here it looks like that case has been handled quite a lot. Smelling it, or swabbing the inside with a Q tip (powder residue) may reveal if it has been fired recently.

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