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I have shot loads of sqyuiryells over the years Vulcha with my air rifle. I have always had the most success when I use Stake out tactics... that is settle down comfortably in a hide or in full camo in an area I know there are a few squirrels and wait patiently. Its amazing how many will come to ground looking for food or to bury food. You can tell when they have been about because you get all the rabbit type scrapings in the forest floor but with out the droppings! If you can keep perfectly quiet and still for long periods this method can be very productive and it is amazing what else will wander in to the gun sight as well. If you have PCP so much the better as you wont have break the gun and risk disturbance.



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Deer, Damn things. I was hiding in this woods waiting for stuff to come along and i saw something crash through the bushes beside me. I moved out of where i was hiding and saw what looked like a dog. I hate dogs so turned around and headed towards the nearest tree. After the creature ran past i noticed it was a deer. I was gonna put a pellet in its *** for scaring me sh*tless, but then i thought i complain about people being idiots and putting our sport at risk, and i don't want to do the same. I tell you though, I couldn't aim straight for the next half hour!

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Watch out. Squirrels are tough creatures and even with a well placed shot with a non FAC airifle they may still have quite a bit of life left in them. Also wear gloves when picking them up, the ******* can play dead and take a nasty bite out of you otherwise.

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LB. I don't hate dogs, I just don't like dogs which i have never seen before. Like when I was down the woods jumping in this river. As i jumped of the "cliff" a Staffy jumped in behind me. It scared the **** out of me and the owner asked me to fish it out :lol:. I'm planning on getting a dog to protect me from other dogs.


Jimdfish. What are you on about? There cats!!

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Leonard Rossiter once wrote a book titled "sarcasm is the lowest kin of wit". Vulcha, I am sorry, I sunk to the depths. By the way Staffies are as soft as fresh cowpats. I have one and on Sunday night while messing about with my Brother in the garden she did not protect me once. I have torn knee ligaments and he has re-broke a rib. All she did was stand and bark.


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Changing tack I once went to see Hinge and Bracket. I took my ma as a present. I was suprised to find that they are actually young blokes. They would be about 45 now. It never twigged that they could be anything else than old. They were also brilliANT. HONEST


Bags be Dame Hilda, Dr Evadny thats you Vulch

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