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Charlie got in the pen again ...


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I didnt sleep a wink last night and I woke up this morning with a thumping headache and felt like i was about to throw up so it was a day off school for me :lol: . Which was a good day to be off because a fox had hit out chicken pen and killed a lot of pullets, (it killed the lot of them except for 1 or 2). so i did my elmur fudd impressions and followed the trail of feathers to a big ******* hole up near a small village :D i suspect it is feeding young... so when they come out into the big bad world they will be greeted with 2 12 bore's :D:lol: . its a pitty i dont have a rifle to shoot them, if i did i would be lamping every night to seek revenge :D. As i said i think its the same fox that got in last time :lol: which slaughterd 12 bright white albino chicks and the mother (wasnt a pretty sight). i was amazed how the fox got it, it chewed through the chicken wire (must of been desperate and it'll have sore teeth tonight :) ) :D






so i got out the old trust worthy fox trap :huh: and put a dead chicken in it for when the ****** comes back, (may be a while) but hopefully he will come back soon :good: .






the survivors, but luckly the bantoms went up the trees :) so we will have a steady suppy of eggs :)


anyways cheers,

GM ;)

Edited by bunnybasher07
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This is the time when they turn into cheeky thieving ******** and anything edible is worth a try as far as charlie is concerned,my pal got one the other night.The farmer had phoned and said please try and get this fox,it has taken 5 chickens in the last 3 nights,so up he went with lamp and 22-250 and to cut a long storey short he eventually bagged the fox as it was happily ripping into a very fresh new born lamb that was still covered in afterbirth,the mother was about 40 yards from the fox and her lamb.He doesnt know exactly how it came by the lamb but it loked like it had snatched it straight from birth,it was still warm and he reckons he only missed the act by 5 mins or so.Good luck with yours, it will be back.

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That wire looks in good nick, a wonder if Brock is the perpetrator?, looks more his style and he has the power to do that.




Badgers aren't in the habit of killing as many as they can get their hands on though. If it does have young to feed then it will do anything to get food for them, including biting/clawing through chicken wire.


Hope the Trap works BB07. :good:



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If you catch a milky vixen, do you know anyone with terriers to check the earth you found?



Be very careful, now the laws have been changed on terrier use, have just read Fox control by sean frain its bang up to date on what can and cant be done legally.


:good: D2D

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hi lads


first time posting on here


but good luck bb07 and if you need any help give me a shout i am in glasgow as well and could get some people with terriers to bolt them to a waiting gun which is leagal




The law is quite specific now for the UK with the exception of Ireland, ie with written landowners permission, only One terrier to be put to ground for fox at a time and then only on ground that is the preserve of gamebirds.


Earthstopping is now illegal and as for Badger setts dont even go anywhere near them.


It would appear that the ways of the Terriermen of old are long gone, too much red tape too, many rules makes me sick. ;)


:hmm: D2D

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I dont know anyone or have any terriers so its kinda out of the equation.. i was just thinking if there was any other way of gettin the fox to run out the hole ie. smoking them out (onto standing guns) ? because thats what we did with rats and it worked a treat :hmm:




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