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Paul McCartney


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I fully agree with all the above comments. Just because he has millions of quid and a mottley music career he thinks he can hold court over the rest of us and even tell us what we should and should not eat. Arrogant piece of pop star poo poo.

Stuff him and his stupid life. While I am on the case ; Linda mc cartney bloody bangers gave me a massive dose of the squits which stopped me going out that weekend.Thank christ we have seen the back of her.

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kdubya- You seem to have something in common with Paul McCartney and it isn't a brain. Even though I could afford Heather Mills, why would anyone go for someone as plain and rough as her. If that is your standard - pity you.



is this a bite?


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wasn't having a pop at all it was called humour? sadly lacking in some area's it seems? as is your judgement of mills

she was voted as one of the worlds top 100 sexiest women?

cheers KW

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Anyone who has witnessed his failing career, dodgy taste in women and an even more stupid hair dye should not be shocked. It's probably 30 years or more since he wrote a half decent song - please don't say Mull of Kintyre. He was never very bright and should stick to being a has been - albeit a rich one.


ignorance is bliss eh? guy is worth 825 million not 10 bob? some failing carreer! guy is now 66 for christ sake, was married to linda who was an ardent veggie,what sort of expressions do you expect him to have? now ok dont agree with his statements ( I dont believe in a proven link to global warming and man, MY choice) but thats HIS right its called free speach whinge when people like him cant express their so called loony tunes, as for his taste in women ? bet you couldnt get a hump as good looking as heather when YOUR in your sixties? be lucky to get one with their own teeth?

cheers KW


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