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Getting to grips with the scout


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After dragging the scout in and out of the argo, and bumping it about, thought I would check its held its zero. Nice little 3 shot group at 100 yards. 1" grid on the target. Shot with bipod whilst sitting in the argocat.



Not up to you pros yet, but im prety happy for now, took a couple of pics of my lamping set up while I was at it.




Usually use a scope mounted lf140 as well as the T handled 170.


Front red fog lights are for creeping around at night.

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Yep they will float, have got a bilge pump so fully amphibious.


Vid Here http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=B8jLcDslb_0


I know how you feel, everytime Mungler posts a pic of his tactical elite I feel the need to disapear into the bathroom for a couple of minutes. Is it wrong that part of the reason I wanted one was because of counter strike??!

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