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you are not thick just because you can`t spell or punctuate well !

i rarely use capital letters for example.

i`m not thick either!


if someone is using this site, it`s because of a common interest.

not because they need to practice their english!


have you seen the spelling work schools give out?

no wonder a lot of us are rubbish!


try to learn from mistakes . absolutley.


but above all if people know you have a problem, then we can all read around the errors.


can`t we?

I'm definitely with you on this one taggy!

Very well said.

I used to teach VERY disadvantaged kids, some were even locked up, and you'd be amazed at the difference

it made to some finding out they weren't thick and just dyslexic!

More power to you Russ for all your contributions to the forum!



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:no: Am i BOVERED Spell eleegal (Poorly Bird) sorry borin Fred /Thread woteva lol we are what we are never change dont become a in line follow every1 person that turns us into lemmings sod em all you are ok oh i say keep britania on the 50p ok mad time over god i love free speech :yes::lol:

PS should of posted yesterday my 444th post joined on the 4th of the 4th & i could of posted on the 4th of the 4th now nearly as wierd as me no comments please oh no i just relized im 44 aswell ha ha sorry

Edited by antuk99
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The odd misspelled word and poor punctuation I can live with, writing long sentences in text language on the other hand find hard to live with on here. Thankfully there are only one or two who do it.


It takes two minutes to load up a spell checker and only a moment to check each post so no excuses really. I don't normally pull people on their spelling - mines awful so it wouldn't be long before they got me back.

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There's no excuse for poor spelling: it's bloody laziness, plain and simple. All computers have spell-checkers, some of which act automatically. Personally, I forgive poor punctuation simply because schools are disasters, but if the writer won't check his post for spelling mistakes, why should I read it?


To those who say, "I don't care, I know what I mean to say" I respond:

1. A majority won't even bother to read your crayon scribbles because it's too difficult to translate it into recognisable thoughts and secondly, why bother, it's probably drivel because they cannot spell?

2. To those who disagree, respond to this post. Oh, they can't and if they do attempt a justification, see point one above.


Light blue touch paper, retire a safe distance and await the PC brigade's bleeding heart justification...


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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


:yes: Interesting.


The very least you can do for us is get the first and last letters right :no:

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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


??? Interesting.


The very least you can do for us is get the first and last letters right :no:


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Where I work, I'm expected to assess job write ups that

are used to build a portfolio. My English was appalling and

here I was, expected to assess other peoples work. As

assessors we are required to point out spelling and grammer.

The lads are not required to alter the work if they don't want to

(most do).

As part of the equality thing we are not allowed to assess a write

up on the way it has been written / wrote, we can only assess it

for its content.

I don't think there is any reason why somebody would not want

to better themselves, but hey what do I know.



cheers taz.

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I find it quite annoying, but i won't lose sleep over it. My grammar etc isn't perfect and i don't expect it from anyone else. However i would say that for your own sake russ you should try and make the effort, no matter how time consuming or hard it is.

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I really cant see what all the fuss is about. I cant spell for ****, but i do use the Google spell checker which helps. My punctuation is also poor even though I am total a book worm. It gets to the point where it takes me that long to type a reply that most of the time i dont bother. As to all you ***** that are getting on your high horse and slating others because your spelling and grammar is better, wake up and smell the roses. You dont have to read the posts but on the other hand you dont need to start bitching about it either. Most folks with poor writing skills know about there short falls but highlighting there problem is showing that your a totally numpty. In all fairness if your bullying other members over it you should get banned from the site.

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"Most folks with poor writing skills know about there short falls"


If they do then why the hell dont they proof read what they write?


As i said earlier, my spelling isnt brilliant either. I also have big fingers and often type the wrong key by acident whilst typing quickly but quite simply I proof read and change anything glaringly bad.

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Russ ,I can understand what you are writing .I dont think its fair that people should be pulling you up on your spelling and your grammer . Now that we have come this far why dont you sit down and carefully write another post using a dictionary or spell checker and stick it up their bums . Harnser .

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I think this BULLYING SESSION has gone on long enough!


We have members on here that have Dyslexia problems, We have members on here that did poorly in school, We even have members on here that never finished grammer school.


If you do not wish to read posts of poor grammer or spelling then use your control options and block that persons posts from showing up on your computer, as harrassing, and belittleing them will not be tollerated on this site.


Everyone that stays inside the site rules is allowed to post on this site whether they have correct spelling and grammer or not. Those that break the rules will be REMOVED!


Russ and anyone else that has problems please feel free to continue to post and ignor those that are perfect.



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