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Over fishing - I can remember when the seas around the UK were full of 20+lb Cod, where are they now


get your beloved air pro's out that should bring em in?

cheers KW



Mate great idea..........Ill discuss the potential of adding small electro generators and battery storage packs to the thousands of air pros that have been sold with the lads in the shop.


You can see it now - fields full of electric generating air pros.... :welcomeani::good:





As for global warming, all industries are having an impact on the way that our resources are being utilised and what pollutants are getting put out. Man is responsible for the demand and the use of these.


Im no eco warrior, I dont recycle as a stanard practice, I drive a deisel the wife drives a petrol car. I do 60k a year in the car, fly on holiday and over to the states with work.


As for the fish, days out of Whitby and Briddlington used to see boxes and boxes of big cod, ling, pollack being taken without any blanks. I gave up boat fishing when we came back on one trip with hardly anything. That was about 20 years ago..... Overfishing and decimation of our natural resources is what we do as a matter of course.......This is something that needs to change.


I would rather keep the sun tan though.

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I used to live near Rye in East Sussex. That was one of Henry VIII's "Cinque Ports" but is now a couple of miles from the sea due to the earth cooling over a period of time.


Not quite true, violent storms in the 13th century reshaped the coastline and cut the town off from the sea.

The Rother also changed its course which altered the definition in the area.

The fragile coastline from East Sussex into Kent at far as Greatstone is very vunerable to storm tides.

At Dungeness the coastline changes almost daily and there are contractors permanently employed taking the stone from further down the beach (where it has been washed) and replacing it back on the "Point".

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At Dungeness the coastline changes almost daily and there are contractors permanently employed taking the stone from further down the beach (where it has been washed) and replacing it back on the "Point".


Can you have a word with them and see if they can replace the shoals of Cod off the Point? :welcomeani:

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Over fishing - I can remember when the seas around the UK were full of 20+lb Cod, where are they now


get your beloved air pro's out that should bring em in?

cheers KW



Mate great idea..........Ill discuss the potential of adding small electro generators and battery storage packs to the thousands of air pros that have been sold with the lads in the shop.


You can see it now - fields full of electric generating air pros.... :welcomeani::good:





As for global warming, all industries are having an impact on the way that our resources are being utilised and what pollutants are getting put out. Man is responsible for the demand and the use of these.


Im no eco warrior, I dont recycle as a stanard practice, I drive a deisel the wife drives a petrol car. I do 60k a year in the car, fly on holiday and over to the states with work.


As for the fish, days out of Whitby and Briddlington used to see boxes and boxes of big cod, ling, pollack being taken without any blanks. I gave up boat fishing when we came back on one trip with hardly anything. That was about 20 years ago..... Overfishing and decimation of our natural resources is what we do as a matter of course.......This is something that needs to change.


I would rather keep the sun tan though.


unfortunately I am old enough to remember pulling haddock up the side of the local skelly pier using handlines? and mussel for bait, I also own my own boat and fish regularly, so I am aware of what is and is not about ( cant remember the last time I caught haddock or spurdog) big cod are still about but not in numbers, though this has sod all to do with climate change, this is all down to a group of people greedy **** at that, shooting themselves in the foot, and our weak lets give our country away govts not protecting our fishing areas from the spicks.

cheers KW

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big cod are still about but not in numbers, though this has sod all to do with climate change, this is all down to a group of people greedy **** at that, shooting themselves in the foot, and our weak lets give our country away govts not protecting our fishing areas from the spicks.

cheers KW


:good: Well said, that man. Short-sighted, greedy bunch of ter-wats :welcomeani:

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It's here alright but... it was going to happen with us being here or not, the whole warming process is part of the earth pushing itself into another ice age, its happened this way before an will happen again. Mans existance has pushed it quicker than should but... it would have happened anyway.


This year is due to see the temperature of our oceans fall rather than rise, of which gets little attention from the media and government, for one reason and ones reason only...MONEY... temp falls, government have nothing to scare people with for the year and little excuse for them to impose extra taxes in the way of "green fees" and such.


Yes lets ALL recycle, and do our bit to keep the country/planet looking nice for the future but this wil have little affect on rising sea levels, extra storms and so on. Hunanity needs to do more of a rethink on its porcesses and policies rather than using to whole situation as a massive financial gain.


I would put my life savings on it that the UK government and majority of other countries spend our extra taxes and fees on building new buildings, paying staff, printing wasted leaflets on the pitfulls of CO2 emmisions, putting up giant metalic signs al round the captial to tell us if we enter this zone we will have to pay, when its better used for stopping people cut down the rainforest, and i dont mean campaining for it to stop, im mean physically stopping it! and other important stuff. There is so much wasted talk and no action by any government in the areas that are actually needed.


Im not an eco-worrior myself but have become very anti-government due to he constant scare tactics used to take more and more money from my pocket.

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I would put my life savings on it that the UK government and majority of other countries spend our extra taxes and fees on building new buildings, paying staff, printing wasted leaflets on the pitfulls of CO2 emmisions, putting up giant metalic signs al round the captial to tell us if we enter this zone we will have to pay



A good post, but I have to correct you on the paragraph about what the Government spend the extra taxes on.


It's houses in the country for MPs, flats in the City for MPs, call-girls, Ipods, overseas trips, wages for their sons and daughters to do **** all, pensions and backhanders for MPs, rubber gimp suits for MPs weekend entertainment, bondage equipment for MPs weekend entertainment, eating out 7 nights a week, vats of alcohol fot MPs :hmm::welcomeani::P:D:good:


Me? Cynical? Perish the thought :P

Edited by Chard
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Thats one thing I know that we are destroying is the fish stocks. If we lay off trawling for cod, haddock etc for 2 or 3 years and let their numbers build back up then their will be bigger and more fish.


I know that it will keep fisherman out of work for a couple of years but I am sure the government can compansate them, afterall they are gonna ask for compansation if they cant get enough fish to catch.


And its just not the Uk thats over fishing the North sea stocks its other European countries so if all the governments work together to stop illegal fishing like bringing in the navy to protect the seas, not only will they be able to protect fish stocks but stopping immigrants and drugs getting to this country.



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I've got a degree in oceanography and I worked as a meterologist in the Royal Navy. I've studied the science behind the various climatology arguments. Put very simply, here's what I think and the outcome of what I learnt studying this for several years.


A fast increase in atmospheric temperature will directly effect the temperature and salinity of the oceans. This will cause the ocean currents like the Gulf Stream (one of many) to be dramatically altered in terms of direction and/or strength, or be shut down altogether. The UK and continental Europe is then screwed, as it is the Gulf Stream that keeps the UK's climate temperate. Various academics talk of a 'mini Ice Age' over the next 80 years, as the global ocean currents are altered or switched off completely. Once it starts to get cold, the build-up of snow in Northern Europe will not help us at all - the expanses of snow and ice will reflect any incoming solar radiation, cooling the climate even further and causing the accumulation of more snow and ice. It's a positive feedback system.


On a practical level, I would stand by this theory, as you only have to look at the trends for atmospheric and ocean temperatures to realise that global warming is very real. I reckon that I'll see a significant change in the UK's climate during my lifetime.


And it's not CO2 that's the problem in terms of global warming: it's methane and nitrous oxide. The two biggest sources of methane are cattle and paddy fields of rice. Whilst us Westerners all try to minimise our CO2 output, do you really think that the Far East will stop commercial rice and cattle farming? I think not.

Edited by Baldrick
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I know this topic has died down but this is from THIS sundays papers and a classic case of "control" from the climate change lunatics who wont listen or debate the subject?


Warmists beat straying BBC man back into line


A talking point among "climate sceptics" on both sides of the Atlantic has been the bizarre tale of how the BBC's chief reporter on climate change censored an item on the BBC website after being harried by a "climate activist".


On April 4 Roger Harrabin posted a story on the fact that world temperatures have not continued to rise in the past 10 years, and this year will fall to a level markedly below the average of the past two decades.


Citing the World Meteorological Organisation, Mr Harrabin accurately reported that "global temperatures have not risen since 1998, prompting some to question climate change theory".


This was a red rag to Jo Abbess of the Campaign Against Climate Change (Hon President, George Monbiot), who emailed Mr Harrabin demanding that he "correct" his item.


Mr Harrabin insisted that what he had written was true. There are indeed eminent climate scientists "who question whether warming will continue as predicted".


This only angered Ms Abbess further. She said it was "highly irresponsible to play into the hands of the sceptics", to "even hint that the Earth is cooling down again".


Mr Harrabin, though he has led the BBC's tireless promotion of warmist orthodoxy, stood firm. Even in the "general media", he replied, "sceptics" highlight the lack of increase since 1998: to ignore this might give the impression that "debate is being censored".


His item had, after all, added "we are still in a long-term warming trend".


This was too much for Ms Abbess. She responded that this was not "a matter of debate". He should not be quoting the sceptics "whose voice is heard everywhere, on every channel, deliberately obstructing the emergence of the truth".


Unless he changed his item, she said, "I would have to conclude that you are insufficiently educated to be able to know when you have been psychologically manipulated". She threatened to expose him by spreading his replies across the internet.


At this point the BBC's man caved in. Within minutes a new version appeared, given the same time and date as that which he had consigned to Winston Smith's memory hole.


Out went any mention of "sceptics" who question global warming. After a guarded reference to this year's "slightly cooler" temperatures, a new paragraph said that they would "still be above the average" and that we will "soon exceed the record year of 1998 because of the global warming induced by greenhouse gases".


Of course we have long known where the BBC stands on climate change. But it is good to have such clear evidence that, even when one of its reporters tries to be honest, he can be whipped back into line by a pressure group.


In the end, Ms Abbess still circulated the exchanges on the internet, to show the great victory she had won for the "emerging truth".

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When you consider that we are still coming out of the last Ice Age then yes, Global Warming is a reality. I don't know just how much cause and effect that we have added to certain issues, but I am sure we have added our penny's worth.


I think you'll find that the reason it has become such an issue so quicky, is that, like yourself, it takes time to convince people of the changes that need to be made on this scale. So in esscence, the more you mention it, the louder you scream it, the more chance it has of getting through.


Personally, I think its silly for people to reject these issues because they simply don't beleive it. But I also understand that in order to accept it, you must be given enough information to be able to make an informed decision for yourself.


Besides, even if it really doesn't exist, it soon will if we continue to gorge on natures resources without allowing it to replenish. Rain forest ARE dissapearing at an alarming rate. Surely it pays to be cautious.

b to right mate.spoken like a true gentlemen :blush:

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Rain forest ARE dissapearing at an alarming rate.




yes and so they can grow soya to provide bio fuel which is about as much use in cutting co2 emmissions as a chocolate fireguard, foot and shoot comes to mind, the lunacy of the greenies will have the planet on its knees never mind what we "ignorant" folk do?

cheers KW

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