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Air guns


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A mate of mine has just been sentenced for haveing a air rifle, which was proven in court that it hasent been tampered with in anyway, it was as it came from the factory to the dealer , it was surposed to be 12ftlb,

under testing the plod managed to get it to 22ftlb,

He got 6 month suspended for 2 years and 2 years probaition ,

What the hell is going on with this countrys legel system they dont seem to let the truth get in the way of a conviction :good:

God help us all


Edited by winchester
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Harsh to say the least. I think some firearm restrictions are ill thought out and this is an example of someone falling foul of them. When I browse on air gun manufacturers websites and see what the rest of the world can buy,I feel we are being treated like children. Fair enough,treat the kids to sub 12 ft lb but as a sg cert holder I think a fac air gun is in safe hands with the likes of me and many on here.

Edited by vole21
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Surely if it was proven in court that the gun was not tampered with after leaving the factory, the responsability lies with the manufaturer not the owner of the gun who was presumably ignorant to the velocity it was putting out? although it must have seemed to have an awfully flat trjectory for the 12 ft/lb gun he thought it was?

Edited by monkeyjaimz
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A mate of mine has just been sentenced for haveing a air rifle, which was proven in court that it hasent been tampered with in anyway, it was as it came from the factory to the dealer , it was surposed to be 12ftlb,

under testing the plod managed to get it to 22ftlb,

He got 6 month suspended for 2 years and 2 years probaition ,

What the hell is going on with this countrys legel system they dont seem to let the truth get in the way of a conviction :good:

God help us all


Hi what was the reson for the police check ,was he out with it or did they just knock on his door. it all seems a bit wierd, i could understand if he had been messing about with it,asap

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I've had a couple of chats with the police when they've driven past my car parked in a field at daft o'clock in the morning and on closer inspection they get confronted by me camo'ed up with an Air Ranger over my shoulder and a bag full bunnies - they **** themselves both times :good: and were very wary of me until they did their checks etc and we had a chat, the last time the officer even asked if he could have a go with my nv monocular, he was very impressed with it and the Daystate (may have been a closet airgunner methinks).

The best thing one guy said was "suppose you dont see many kids messing about with these on the estates do you?" to which I replied "I bloody hope not mate - this rigs worth more than my car!" :good:

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A mate of mine has just been sentenced for haveing a air rifle, which was proven in court that it hasent been tampered with in anyway, it was as it came from the factory to the dealer , it was surposed to be 12ftlb,

under testing the plod managed to get it to 22ftlb,

He got 6 month suspended for 2 years and 2 years probaition ,

What the hell is going on with this countrys legel system they dont seem to let the truth get in the way of a conviction :good:

God help us all


Hi what was the reson for the police check ,was he out with it or did they just knock on his door. it all seems a bit wierd, i could understand if he had been messing about with it,asap

Do they need a reason? it appears anyone can say you did this that or the other these days and good old pc plod rock in,

And when dis proved in court you still get nobbled. The judge even told him the goverment said they have to cut gun crime

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Is there any way to appeal it? After all, the guy's done nothing wrong! If not I'd be setting up my own case against the manufacturer because a record could have serious effects on this guys future. I'd be wanting some money for that :good:

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Surely if it was proven in court that the gun was not tampered with after leaving the factory, the responsability lies with the manufaturer not the owner of the gun who was presumably ignorant to the velocity it was putting out? although it must have seemed to have an awfully flat trjectory for the 12 ft/lb gun he thought it was?


look I have posted this before it is THE OWNERS responsibility not the shop or manufacturer? NO owner should be ignorant of the guns output simple as , also most manufactures now kick out guns at around 10.5ftlbs,and the first thing the new owner does is post asking how to get it to 12! and then they argue when told a heavier pellet will put it over the top? its a sad sad world we live in now but 12lb air guns are compared to an ak47 in the eyes of the law! but we have to live with it, so keep yourselves RIGHT.


do a search and you will see a thread I posted re a logun s16 coming out of the shop over the limit? guy had the gun crushed ,and he tried to claim the cost back off logun and the shop both denied responsibility?yet even the coppers tester said it "appeared" not to have been tampered with did he get his money back? did he ****e


if you want to hunt and keep yourself right either buy a chrono take it to a dealer and test it or a gun club for that matter, or go FAC no worries at all then

cheers KW

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Winchester re re reading your post again re the "over the top gun" the case I refered to ie the logun S16 being over the top was a gun reading just short of 13lbs gun got crushed purchaser of the brand NEW gun never got his money back,in the case you refered to re a gun that was reading TWENTY TWO lbs ( that aint just a tad over is it?) what the hell make and model of gun was it? most 12lb guns can not be raised to those limits without serious mods, porting , springs etc, a little hammer adjustment wont do that, so I presume the gun was not bought NEW? if so no way will a dealer admit to letting a 22lb gun go out the door, so again back to my statement its THE OWNERS responsibility to ensure the gun is within legal limits.

cheers KW

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It was brand new and all the anty tamper stuff was all intacked this WAS proven by an EXPERT, the make i dont know.

But some how the plod got it from an agregate of 8-12ftlb up to 22ftlb ,

I only posted this as to warn others, IGNORANCE IS NO DEFENCE OF THE LAW

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A mate of mine has just been sentenced for haveing a air rifle, which was proven in court that it hasent been tampered with in anyway, it was as it came from the factory to the dealer , it was surposed to be 12ftlb,

under testing the plod managed to get it to 22ftlb,

He got 6 month suspended for 2 years and 2 years probaition ,

What the hell is going on with this countrys legel system they dont seem to let the truth get in the way of a conviction :good:

God help us all



May I ask what he did as to have the court involved, and the gun tested for its velicty readings in the first place?

He must have caught the attention of the law somehow, and they decided to dig a little deeper..

Infact your mate is lucky, the sentance for possession of an illiegle firearm is 5years(min).

Yes it is unfair, but its our responsiblility as gun woners to ensure we stick to the law. Every airgun I own goes over a chrono, which can be bought for as little as £30 now for a very simple one.




In this day and age, you have to watch your back all the time, as theres always someone/something waiting to bite when you let your guard down. There may not be anyone to pass the blame to when the poop hits the fan.

Edited by Hunter
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A mate of mine has just been sentenced for haveing a air rifle, which was proven in court that it hasent been tampered with in anyway, it was as it came from the factory to the dealer , it was surposed to be 12ftlb,

under testing the plod managed to get it to 22ftlb,

He got 6 month suspended for 2 years and 2 years probaition ,

What the hell is going on with this countrys legel system they dont seem to let the truth get in the way of a conviction :good:

God help us all



May I ask what he did as to have the court involved, and the gun tested for its velicty readings in the first place?

He must have caught the attention of the law somehow, and they decided to dig a little deeper..

Infact your mate is lucky, the sentance for possession of an illiegle firearm is 5years(min).

Yes it is unfair, but its our responsiblility as gun woners to ensure we stick to the law. Every airgun I own goes over a chrono, which can be bought for as little as £30 now for a very simple one.




having had a little more detail from winchester, it seems there is more to this than meets the eye, and a chrono would not have helped AT ALL? by the way as daft as it sounds "mandatory" does not mean WILL dont ask me why?so the 5 year bit only comes into play on circumstances ask that slut from manchester who hid a pistol only for one of her kids to be killed! did she get five years?did she fek mind you had it been an airgun and this judge she might have?

cheers KW

guy is anything but lucky

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Well, let it at least be a reminder to all us airgun users to check things like this and not let it happen.

Best thing we can do is make sure it does not happen again or to anyone else. :good:

I agree he is not lucky in that sense :yes: but I cannot sympathize for him without understanding and knowing the full story.

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Hi winchester,

i would advise your friend to not get into any kind of trouble for next 2years as he will go straight to jail and if he breach's probation he also goes straight to jail..

I would advise he don't pee in a bush either..

Not about living in uk any more, soon you will need a licence to breathe..

real sad and unfortunate..


I think your friend may have been sold a fac by mistake and i would personnely give the dealer a peace of my mind and want a replacement...

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Just thought i would add some thing..

My mates step dads car got robbed so they called police, police came seen his guns on the wall and took his barreta 92 as they fully beleived it was a fire arm..

if it was swat they would of knew but average officers are thinking about the numbers "more arrests, more bonuses"..

Took my mate over 1 year to get it back..


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