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Electronic digital callers


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Has anybody used one of these, and how do you rate them?


I'm referring to the ones with the digital chips as opposed to the noisy, hissy tape things.


Especially interested in feedback of the crow, magpie, rabbit distress call available from the company in Ireland, think its called 'Callout' or similar...this is the Deben one:


In short, do you find that they do work? :huh:


Thanks Gents/Ladies(?)





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We had a demo digital caller on loan from a Maltese friend, and yes, it was awesome, especially the pinkies and various ducks...only problem is that its illegal to use them for shooting over here as they can decimate populations if they are abused. :huh:


Good for maggies, crows and foxes though!

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We had a demo digital caller on loan from a Maltese friend, and yes, it was awesome, especially the pinkies and various ducks...only problem is that its illegal to use them for shooting over here as they can decimate populations if they are abused. :huh:


Good for maggies, crows and foxes though!

I would buy a crow one if they are that good.

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I've played with them a bit.


I started off making my own from the instructions on Predator Masters. If you have a sound source like an MP3 player or CD Walkman you can put one together for about £30.


Worked well, but wanted something with a remote, so after a lot of research bought a Foxpro.


In short, do you find that they do work? 


Yes they do, but they are no magic wand. You still need to pay attention to the usual things like wind direction, movement cover, etc.


The one major advantage of using an electronic call is the ability to use sounds that you would not be able to normally use, which is great in areas that are heavily called.


If you are going to build one from scratch it would be worth looking at including the ability for the user to put their own sounds on to it. This greatly increases the verstility of the caller.


Q :huh:

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Thats how the chips are manufactured, with those ten calls.

Also, due to the high cost of getting them sorted, we need to sell to the likes of wildlife photographers and birdwatchers to re-coup the initial oulay. ???


As 99.9% of certificate holders are law abiding, responsible chaps, I'm sure they won't be used in an unsporting manner. ???


But I take your point on board.



paul...don't PM the card details (security), I'll phone you...and sorry, but the first batch have gone! :huh:

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I take you point and I'm not having a "pop", but can't you envisage a situation where a "wildfowler", being found in possession of one of these gadgets while wildfowling, could find themselves in trouble, a bit like having an anti radar device in your car, even if its not turned on?


Incidentally, your trust in your fellow man is commendable, unbelievable, but commendable. :huh:???

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A friend of mine has a "callout" and from what i can remember it has a lot of deer calls i.e roebuck and fawns + some really good fox entisers i think they cost about £150 but for what they are intended they are the doggies do da,s I will try to find out where u can get them and a proper price.

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