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Skeet - First 25 Straight

Stu S

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Well after 9 months of trying, I finally managed to get that illusive 25 straight on a skeet range on Wednesday night!


It's really peculiar that it's taken this long, but it just goes to show that the battle is all in the mind, and not with the gun/clays.


For a while now (about the last two months) my scores have been rising from the low 20's, and have been fairly consistent with 24's over the last month (and I never missed the same target twice), so it must be purely in the mind!


Anyways, 25 straight - done.

Next challenge? - Sporting scores need lifting (in a fairly major way!)



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9 months a long time to get a full house?! You're having a laugh right? Many people take much longer and never do as well!


Don't think you can take it easy now though. As you said, those sporting clays aren't going to shoot themselves... oh... and have you managed a full house with a .410 yet? I've seen it done and it's impressive! :wub:

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Nice one Stu :):good:


shot a couple of rounds myself last night but the traps had been filled with normal black clays as opposed to the orange blazes, struth that came as a bit of a shock, surprised how different/harder it was :wub:;)


is it normal to use standard black clays for skeet?

seem to remember shooting the skeet at Dartford with a few of the PWers on black clays.

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I was a bit embarassed to add this before... I kind of expected all of you guys to be on 25!...


I'm stuck on 23 too!


I've almost exclusively been shooting real pigeons for the last couple of years though.



What a total tool!!!!!


Im lucky if i can get between 15 and 20 lmao, although i have only been shotgun shooting around 2 months, :mad: :mad:


Good excuse to go more often to practice lol :hmm:

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Congrats buddy!


Ive been clay shooting since Feb this year. Couple weeks ago i shot a round of skeet at my local ground. Everything felt perfect, my stance, swing, timing etc and i was on course for my first straight. I was amazed i never missed a target, my highest score before that was 18 with an average of about 12.


Anyway station 7 came and i still hadnt missed, i smoked the single birds then got ready for the pair...




...i busted the low bird on instinct but the High house threw a no bird :yes: Re-load...




...EXACTLY the same thing happened :):lol:.


Needless to say i was a bag of nerves so i psyched myself up while he cleared the trap and readied myself...




...One pair of Birds Oblitorated, this is it i kept tellin myself. All i could think of was gettin my first patch to put on my new skeet vest :yes: . I could feel my legs starting to tremble and i shouted for the option bird ( i chose a low bird as i blatt it every time!) *BANG* straight over the F#£*$#*£ top!!!


I couldn't believe i missed a sitter like that. Absolutley gutted, but ho hum i'll get it one day!


.oO( i wonder if the C.P.S.A do an English Skeet 26 Straight badge?) Technically thats what i got :yes:


Now i'm stuck on 23 lol, take care,



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