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Aled Cky


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Digga I`m at work(?)and everytime I get to one of your posts my screen freezes,yes the firm buys rubbish,and I have to wait several minutes till it un-freezes and if I get caught half of the blame will be yours :P MMM...nice avatars :/:/:D


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You obviously have no idea of the amount of skill required to call in a wild turkey.


I once attended three turkey hunts, on consecutive days.

On each occasion we walked many miles and my friend (a Champion Caller), was only able to call in one bird.

I had no interest in shooting the jake, that strutted up to within 30 yards of us.

Probably the luckiest turkey in Georgia.


The reason for the heavy loads and tight chokes, is that wild birds are very much bigger than domestic turkeys.

Most permits are only issued to shoot the male birds (jakes), which are significantly bigger than the female.


In a book I have, an Indian hunter describes the difference between hunting deer and turkeys.

He said something like; " a deer looks up and says , "is that a branch over there, or an Indian ?", then disappears. A turkey just disappears."

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great to see the support for aled ,who over many post's has put a smile or grimace on many a face here,im still waiting to see a reply from "shooter 1" as to why he came on so strong about the little guy , i'll be the first to admit im a kidder of the kid but he's got sphericals to come back time and time again , keep it up aled you got my vote for prime munster :angry::P



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buy all the Shotgun Shooters in the Army a Browning Citori 12g.. they could take out a person if nessissary at 100yards with no8 24g easy.




you never fail to do it aled ,sorry i still cant stop lmao, i hope when i come home to visit youre still around , id love to meet ya,keep it up kid :angry::P



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