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Hi i live in Co,Durham and i am looking for a decent gunsmith in the area to fit my beretta to me any help would be appreciated :lol:


Sorry about all this. To return to the topic, I'm having a lesson with a coach a week on Saturday. Last time I saw him he gave me the name of someone he said was one of the best, if you want a really good job doing and don't mind paying. Unfortunately, I've lost the name, but I think that he was up your way. If you don't have any joy before then, I'll ask him again.


Now, it's past five o' clock. Shouldn't you be passed out in a puddle of your own urine mixed with Export?



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I dont know about gun fitting but your name may attract some attention. Welcome to PW.



:P:lol::lol::lol::beer::beer::no::P .



Incredible, you have remembered all of his emoticons as well, not him under a nom de plume are you?


**** *** BOB, YOU #~@^ing $£?=. Oh 800110CK$ !! BARKEEP, ANOTHER STELLA, GURGLE.


Not the same without him :yes: .





If I get an apology for those comments in the morning, I will know that you are he, or he are you, or whatever....

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:D?:D?? is it me ? i think so ! but who are you? confused you will be i certainly am :lol:

Let me put you out of your misery, are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin; Up to the time that he was banned from the forum, fairly recently, there was a member whose name was berettaman2, by his own admission he was an alcoholic.

As the day went on (most days) and his drink level increased, he became more abusive to other members, it was amusing at first, but rarely amusing to those on the receiving end of his abuse. Usually he would single out one person to be on the receiving end of his tirades, he would even PM others to tell them who he was going to attack.

Maiden22's post is typical of his posts, but he would usually apologise in the morning. On the plus side he could be witty, charming, helpful to other shooters, and a real gent, he was also a good shot. Eventually the negatives outweighed the positives.

I think that just about covers it, maybe now you follow, it's nothing that you have done, just a bad choice of name.

Oh, and welcome to the forum. :lol:


Edit; Ok, I took so long typing it, Maiden beat me to it, there's a limit how many words per minute you can do with two fingers!

Edited by bob300w
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I wonder ? Have i posted this on the right site ? for a bunch of shooters the replys arnt exactly flooding in or is it you are all shooting wrongly fitting guns if so i now know why you are all missing so much (just like me)

Edited by berettaman
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I wonder ? Have i posted this on the right site ? for a bunch of shooters the replys arnt exactly flooding in or is it you are all shooting wrongly fitting guns if so i now know why you are all missing so much (just like me)


No, no, you're in the right place. Probably just that the right people haven't seen it. There are quite a few members up your way. Sure you'll get some (useful) replies soon.



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Not sure if this will be of any help but if these guys don't do it they mite be able to point you in the right direction. . .


Click me


I found them whilst mooching around Newcastle one day they seem to be pretty good.


(BTW I'm in Consett so I know there aren't many RFD's/Smiths around here sadly).


Hope this helps.



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Not sure if this will be of any help but if these guys don't do it they mite be able to point you in the right direction. . .


Click me


I found them whilst mooching around Newcastle one day they seem to be pretty good.


(BTW I'm in Consett so I know there aren't many RFD's/Smiths around here sadly).


Hope this helps.




They will certainly be able to help, however they will take your money, left leg and kidney for the pleasure :yes:


In terms of gunshops, there are a few that could do alterations ie. Bywell Shooting Ground, Northallerton, Gilsan Sports, Keith Sports. There are also a couple of coaches who could give you advise on gunfit, and can probably be found through the CPSA site.


Hope its of some help

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OK i will keep waiting they say patience is a virtue PITY I DONT HAVE ANY :yes:


Steady on chap, you only posted the question at 4 o clock!


It can take a while for these things to get answered - and even then having the same name as an ex-member has probably sped things up considerably!


Chill out!



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I have looked around for gunfitters within the North East. The most capable seemed to be Weldon Gun Room and Yorkshire gun room. They both do stock bending with steam and a jig and am sure that at least Weldon will do extentions and poss the other too if at least a pad is fitted.

I am going to bend my own stock with hot oil once I get the jig made in the next couple of weeks! :blink:


Good luck


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  • 4 months later...

Berettaman, did you ever get this sorted out? I've been to Weldon Gun Room and the people there are spot on, didn't realise they did gun fitting, might have to have a look up there with mine. As i'm 5'9 with 42" chest theres probably not alot needs doing but it'd worth making sure they do fit well.



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