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whats your favourite tipple


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If I could only drink one thing for the rest of my life, it would be tea (Earl Grey preferably), but anything would do, even the sfuff that the monkeys interfere with.


Booze wise:


1. The kind of cheap red wine that you get in a jug when you order a "mezzo rosso" in a Neapolitan restaurant. It's always different but always tastes the same.

2. For a real treat (white), Batard-Montrachet, or Condrieu. Condrieu reminds me of raw eggs and petrol, but it's wonderful. Favourite red is Chateau Beychevelle.

3. Brandy and Soda.

4. Guiness if I'm eating in a pub. Best with a pie or a Sunday roast.

5. Strega or Limoncello.

6. A nice Campari Soda (half and half, slice of orange).

7. The Macallan. I don't know if it's correct or not, but I like it with a little water.


I'm not keen on fizzy p*** generally, but like a few others if it's a hot day I quite enjoy a Super Bock or Sagres, or a Peroni will do at a pinch.


This is going to sound like sacrilege to some of you, but I can't get on with all the "Old Monk's Rancid Scrotum" Real Ales.



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If I could only drink one thing for the rest of my life, it would be tea (Earl Grey preferably), but anything would do, even the sfuff that the monkeys interfere with.


I`m with you there Robert, but prefer an Assam.


As for booze, where does one start :hmm:


Pilsner Urquell is the King above all as far as lager style beers are concerned, Woodefordes Wherry best for real ale of the century, but followed closely by Bitter & Twisted.


Vinho........... Caserillo del Diablo cab sauv and I do like the mid-priced Cavas and love port, try Cruz Porto 1989 from Morrisons.


Hard stuff has to be Laphroigh or occaisionally, due to over imbibement, Lagavulin with 3 rocks of ice in them.


But on a nice summers day what can beat a Pimm`s eh ??




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theakstons old peculier , foxes *** ,bushmills black lable , and famous grouse the 12 year old one

and cockburns port


My Mum's favourite is Famous Grouse :hmm: . Fail-safe cure for colds: very weak Earl Grey tea, spoon of honey, slice of lemon, spoon or two of Famous Grouse. Far better than that lemon sherbert max strength rubbish, on your feet in no time :blink: .



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Jenning's Snecklifter, Dark Star, Crouch Vale Brewer's Gold, Abbot Ale, Bishop's Finger


As for the whisky, Talisker is tickling the taste buds at the moment :blink:


Snecklifters great, went to the jennings brewery last year and they even let my jack russell in the bar to sample the free ales, he loved it

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Well i seem to enjoy quite a range:


Beer: Guniess, ruddles county, Rainbow chaser, bombader, Most local real ales and tribute.


Larger : Grolsh, cobra, san migel.


Cider: Magners, Bulmers, stoweford press medium sweet.


Sprits: JD & coke, Cockburns port. Would love to drink wiskey neat but i makes me cough and splutter some once swallowed


Red wine: Rivercrest (nice and cheap)


White: Zilzie viognier ( austrailian, about £8 and strong%) love it



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If I could only drink one thing for the rest of my life, it would be tea (Earl Grey preferably), but anything would do, even the sfuff that the monkeys interfere with.


I`m with you there Robert, but prefer an Assam.


I'm with you there Henry, but prefer English Breakfast - good and strong with a good measure of the cow juice. You simply can't beat a cuppa, even on the hottest day of the year.


Now, when it comes to the hard stuff, I'm with the Islay boys all the way - although I must say that I prefer the slightly milder taste of Bowmore for a day-to-day drink and keep my Laphroigs for special occasions.


For real ale I am a confirmed mild enthusiast (mild the drink, rather than the extent of my enthusiasm). I don't rave about Black Cat (although it is unmistakeably a quality beer), but Titanic's Nautical Mild is good solid stuff, and for a session beer you cannot put a foot wrong with Theakstone's ordinary Mild. The Mole brewery in Wiltshire do a cracker of a mild if you can find it, but my favourite has to be Triple FFF's Pressed Rat and Warthog - without a doubt that hits every spot on every level, including the comedy name level… :blink:


Otherwise, any well-kept malty ale, or the old Old Speckled Hen before they watered it down. Not the brew that it once was, but it's a bit less dangerous now I suppose.


I'm thristy...





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Otherwise, any well-kept malty ale, or the old Old Speckled Hen before they watered it down. Not the brew that it once was, but it's a bit less dangerous now I suppose.


I'm thristy...






Still the good old brew in the bottles mate, only the pumps they 'tamed', and if you like that one, try its sister Hen's Tooth :blink:

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Any tips for drinking whiskey neat without coughing and spluttering like a tacor runining on 2 cylinders after ? I believe watering it down is a big no no and a waste !


Try some of the milder single malts. Many blends lack finesse and watch out for strong tasting, smokey/peaty stuff like Bunna, Taliska and Glenfiddich. Something like Jamesons or Glenmorangie (normal one or Madeira finish) are nice and smooth and good for beginners. You get used to it anyway though :hmm:


Adding water or ice takes the edge off for sure... some seasoned whiskey drinkers actually encourage it! If it's what suits you then go for it! Personally I don't... but I can sort of see what people mean when they say that it 'unlocks the flavours'.


Mixing your whiskey with ginger ale/wine is also a good way to take the edge off.


Whiskey and milk is a taste I have not yet been able to acquire :blink:

Edited by harpo_the_bad
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Lord Seagrave, if you're a fan of mild, stay off the Bank's (not sure if it's widely available outside the Black Country anyway). Very popular up Wolverhampton way, despite the fact that it tastes and looks like week-old dishwater.




Robert, they serve up a liquid known as "Mansfield Mild" up in the midlands/peaks, which chimes entirely with your description of Bank's. But, then again, they probably dabble in a black & tan up there and so perhaps it doesn't matter all that much if they're diluting their John Smiths equivalent with it... :blink:


Suffice to say either on its own or as a mixer, it won't find its way into my glass again.



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Yes, Shaun, that's very true.


Personally I don't much care for the fizziness of bottled ale, whatever brew it is. Although the Hen's Tooth BCA was a nice drop, especially when you mixed in the sediment.


What's your weapon of choice when it comes to ale?




I have posted it mate, but to re-cap:


HSB, hobgoblin and Summer lightning are 3 of my favourites. :blink:

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Malts... Laphroaig. Peaty and pungent. Homer would say Mediciney.

Whiskey...Powers Irish.

Cider... Aspulls or Thatchers. All these On Ice ones are like kids apple juice in comparison.

Beers... Badger Ales,especially Champion Golden. Jennings too :blink: Guinness but only the full strength Export as sold all over SE Asia but hardly at all here.

Wines... Wolf Blass wines. A good Sancerre or Pouilly Fume.


Is the sun over the Yardarm yet ? :hmm:


Got a Litre of JD I might put a hole in later......

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I'm a whiskey man myself. I can't remember the name of my favourite, a friends dad served it up to me from his collection one night but I can't remember which one it was (and there's no way I'd remember if I went through his collection again to find it!). Taliskar is nasty, Laphroaig is ok. My home drink is Glenmorangie, which is quite nice. Long pub drink is Bells and coke (or dry ginger if it's hot).


Don't talk to me about Beer or Lager though. I wouldn't drink it if you paid me ten times what it cost :blink:

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mr lee and co... excellent choice with the laphoriag (?).... i myself have a favourite with lagavulin....its around £25-30 a bottle... another expensive single malt.....very morish though, i have quaffed more than my appropriate share of that one on many an occaision....

i have had a chaeper one recently though called " the balvanie" £20-25'er ...very nice...failing that a cold guiness never goes a miss....

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