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formal warning

col s10

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i have never read such a load of **** in my life. what a waste of bandwidth from a simple question. get a life


Looks like someone's just been out to their shed to find all the odd bits of timber put aside specifically to stir paint have been stolen!


Maybe we could have a whip round , anybody got wood?


http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...showtopic=62959 Giving it away :hmm: ............... :sly:

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ime chilled.if that was a wind up .you got me hook line sinker.but i think mungler was serious.and my question stands. :sly::yes::yes:



Formal warnings are given to anyone who flouts the forum rules, as simple as that really.



That's a good answer I think! I had a short heated conversation with the above mod some time ago, so I don't know if that was a warning or what :)


Whatever, I was out of order. I had a good grumble about it and then admitted defeat. I have no hard feelings, I just didn't want to admit I was wrong at the time :hmm:

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Formal warnings are given to anyone who flouts the forum rules, as simple as that really.


....... so I don't know if that was a warning or what :hmm:


Nope, a warning will be plainly worded and will say that the person has been warned, generally I "Verbally " warn first then formally warn after that, as anyone can make a mistake.

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