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Quality or quantity?


Quality or quantity?  

74 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think is best?

    • Quality of posts.
    • Quantity of posts.
    • Don't give a fig.

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All you have to do is look at some of the other forums, most of which are dead in the water. This is a thriving community which has something to offer most.


Some like banter, some don't. Some like foxes inside out, some don't. Some like meeting others, some don't. Some like having six fingers and coming from Suffolk, some don't.


Personally, I'm glad we're all different and don't agree on everything.

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All you have to do is look at some of the other forums, most of which are dead in the water. This is a thriving community which has something to offer most.


Some like banter, some don't. Some like foxes inside out, some don't. Some like meeting others, some don't. Some like having six fingers and coming from Suffolk, some don't.


Personally, I'm glad we're all different and don't agree on everything.



Well said Baglady :oops:


I would have thought it should be possible to accommodate the banter somewhere where it won't prevent some people from getting through the day :yes:


I wouldn't like to see everybody forced to be straight-laced and humourless, just because some can't do humour.


By the same token, I think it would be right to stop sensible threads being hijacked. Irrelevant posts could be harshly pruned fairly easily and I think the jokers would pretty soon get the message that it's not worth putting irrelevant stuff on a serious thread.


I do think there is a slightly sanctimonious air about the place sometimes, if something gets posted that isn't deathly serious. I also think those oh-so-serious types ought to have a rethink about what they think is so good about threads that start with a photo of an inside out fox and end with 50 posts saying "good shooting, chap" "Well done" "Keep up the good work" "Top shooting".

Personally I find that slightly tedious, but I wouldn't dream of trying to get it banned. Yet the humourless souls among us seemingly cannot rest until they've had all forms of joking banished from the site.

Edited by Chard
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Some posts that were not pertinent to the subject have been removed.


Just because a post is made in General Banter, that does not mean it can't be a serious post and is not inviting bantering derailment.


The sub heading for General Banter is, " Talk about things other than Shooting...", which does not limit topics to "banter".


You can usually tell when something is worth reading or not.

The problem is when a thread starts out worth reading and then it gets derailed/hijacked with inevitable comments, you either sift through the repetative tripe hoping there may be something usefull further down, or just give up.


It would be nice if it was as easy as ignoring posts/threads that appear of no interest, but many threads start as being "interesting", but then quickly degenerate/derail.

Also, "banter" moves consistently from one thread to another and often leaves General Banter and appears in other sections.

Many people find this very annoying and the Moderators don't have enough time to read every thread and tidy things up.


Herein lies the problem. Someone puts up a genuine post, about whatever, and it gets derailed with reply number one. Usually a large number of derailing replies follow very quickly and the original poster and a lot of people trying to be helpful give up due to the flood of ******** which contributes nothing to the forum in any meaningful way. There are people on here who try to help new folks and give advice, for what it's worth, and I see less and less posts from them. I also see members who used to post good stuff just post nonsense now.


No one has a problem with a thread that's there to be a bit of fun. It's when genuine threads get corrupted people get put off in a big way. I've even seen if I can put it this way derailments jump from one thread to another. Where on Gods green earth did that come from and why is it allowed? Please don't think it's not a problem, it is and a lot of people think that. Also, a lot of folks starting out get jumped on and savaged by a lot of the same "posters" and that's not right. Everyone starts out somewhere and we have all asked newbie questions and a lot will continue to do so.


Now fair enough, moderating is a **** job at times. Everyone, including me now, saying someone should do something. Well as a member here I am going to be using the report button a hell of a lot more and point out these derailments where I see them. I think others should do the same as I do know and believe that the mods cannot read every thread, it's simply not possible.


And while I'm at it, for those who might read this and agree with it but don't want to speak up for fear of being singled out then at least PM the mods and have your say. I think those PM's should be treated in confidence.


I've already left one site today due to the amount of ****e on it, I'm not making it two in one day.

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I enjoy the serious stuff and the prattle, depending on my mood. If I get bored with something then I stop reading.


Whilst I am absolutely against stupid stuff being put on serious threads causing them to derail, I cannot for the life of me see why people go onto a thread of clearly stated daft intentions and then subject the membership to the full force of their twisted up knickers. Quality/quantity, there is plenty of both IMHO, and as long as it is in the right place then I really dont care. As such I am in the "Dont give a fig" category.


I often see posts on silly threads saying things like "you need to get out more" and suchlike, which seems strange, as it strikes me as a far greater waste of everybodys time for me to read through something I dont like, and then bother to make the effort to say "I hate this thread".


Just my tuppence worth.



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"Johngalway; Herein lies the problem. Someone puts up a genuine post, about whatever, and it gets derailed with reply number one. Usually a large number of derailing replies follow very quickly and the original poster and a lot of people trying to be helpful give up due to the flood of ******** which contributes nothing to the forum in any meaningful way. There are people on here who try to help new folks and give advice, for what it's worth, and I see less and less posts from them. I also see members who used to post good stuff just post nonsense now.


Couldn't agree more and I am probably one of those whom you speak. But when you try to help someone and an 18/20 year old child, who does not even own a gun tells you that you are talking stupid, you tend to lose interest. There are a couple of these on the forum, experts on every subject that comes up, and still at college, one was even giving advice on mid-life crisis the other day. I have typed several answers to people offering help, and not sent them, knowing that one of these little Einsteins would jump on my post.

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If we carnt have a laugh on the forum and it all has to be serious then i for one will go . I agree that some posts should not be hi jacked and kept for serious replys . I like others on the forum who are experianced field sports men will gladly give advice to novices and the not so experianced . There are members who it would seem are in urgent need of a humour transplant and find it difficult to laugh at some of the really funny quips that come out in the posts . For these people i would say read the posts and try and laugh ,if you dont understand the humour just ask . There are some very witty funny people on this great forum and i personally find it hillarious at times and am always calling my wife in to have a read and she is allways saying what a crazy funny lot you are . God am i glad that she has a good sense of humour . Also some of the posts are posted purely to start the wits going and to have a laugh .I have to plead guilty to this but i wont apologize for it . I think the bottom line is if you dont like humour dont read the funny posts . Harnser .

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Not much more i can say, I totally agree with the last two post and having been a member for only a short time it is some

what noticeable the amount of people ready to shout some one down whom has asked a perfectly good but also basic question,

why ridicule people for not knowing or arguing with others when a response is posted, to who is right/wrong? As for those

with too much STARTCH in their knickers, next time the Mrs. takes them down to the river ask her nicely to give them an extra

few minutes when thrashing them on the rocks.

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If we carnt have a laugh on the forum and it all has to be serious then i for one will go . I agree that some posts should not be hi jacked and kept for serious replys . I like others on the forum who are experianced field sports men will gladly give advice to novices and the not so experianced . There are members who it would seem are in urgent need of a humour transplant and find it difficult to laugh at some of the really funny quips that come out in the posts . For these people i would say read the posts and try and laugh ,if you dont understand the humour just ask . There are some very witty funny people on this great forum and i personally find it hillarious at times and am always calling my wife in to have a read and she is allways saying what a crazy funny lot you are . God am i glad that she has a good sense of humour . Also some of the posts are posted purely to start the wits going and to have a laugh .I have to plead guilty to this but i wont apologize for it . I think the bottom line is if you dont like humour dont read the funny posts . Harnser .


Good post Harnser.



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Ok Just noticed this after been sent a pm from someone.


Just like to say to Bob300w and some others, are you saying that you need a Shotgun Certificate to join this forum?


Just because I have not got my own Shotgun doesnt mean I dont go shooting and all that, I have got friends who are willing to take me out with them.


When I said on that thread "why dont you post boys" I clearly said what I thought and I got back a load of ****, then talking about drainpipes for like 10 pages worth. Im not saying you cant posts humorous stuff, but I gave an honest answer in which I thought was a genuine question and I got answer's back which sounded like "I've got a SGC so Im better than you so just **** off".


So I will say this I will be back when I feel like it. If any of you's want to get in touch pm me or you can find me on other forums.



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Ok Just noticed this after been sent a pm from someone.


Just like to say to Bob300w and some others, are you saying that you need a Shotgun Certificate to join this forum?


So I will say this I will be back when I feel like it. If any of you's want to get in touch pm me or you can find me on other forums.


No, of course you dont have to have a certificate, you have as much right to be here as anyone else.




The reason you copped a load of flak is IMHO because you are one of those who are very quick to criticise others topics/posts or to lecture them and people were fed up with it.


Have a look back at some of the other instances where people have been on the receiving end of some ribbing and you will see that it didnt just come out of the blue - more often than not they had been sticking their oar in, criticising and sniping for a while and simply got a bit of backlash from the other members.


The problem seems to me to be that whilst a small number of serious topics get silliness put on them (and again I dont agree with this), practically EVERY fun/silly/daft thread eventually attracts the unwelcome attentions of the PW Volunteer Commisars, and it just causes upset and annoyance.


Again, surely as long as the right stuff goes in the right place, then everyone is happy, yes?



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"Dustyfox; Ok Just noticed this after been sent a pm from someone.


Just like to say to Bob300w and some others, are you saying that you need a Shotgun Certificate to join this forum?"


Two points, 1/ This is typical of your past posts, you have ventured an opinion without reading the post that you are replying to, nowhere on this thread has it been said or implied that you, or anyone else, needs a SGC to be a member.

2/ Has it not occurred to you that the reason that you were sent a PM is because the sender knew exactly how you would respond? You are being wound up mate.

If you intend to return to this forum from your self-induced exile, and there is no reason why you should not, you would do well to read and digest Zapp's post, or will find yourself in the same situation again.

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