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Another firework attack


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Unfortnuatley Dazza its the sick and veil world we live in. Its the same old story every year when we get to this time of year. The scum of the earth seem to crawl from under there stones and think its funny or to have a laugh and watch some poor little dog have its head blown off. Its about time fireworks were banned IMO


The irony of it all it we are celebrating a man who tried to set off a load of barrels of gun powder to blown some ****er up in the first place


Wouldn't it be good prime time veiwing to see all the low life dead beats and chavs that hang around street corners causing all the street crime, muggings, rapings etc to be thrown into a pit full of dogs. Then the ones who servived got the same treatment with the fireworks


Better stop now I feel like I want to give some chav a good kicking on the way to work



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Every time this happens, i find myself left with one question...




I just can't see the reason or point of this type of behaviour, it really makes me sick.

There can be no political reason,

There can be no religious reason,

There is just no reason to go out and commit these acts on defenceless animals. I hope their parents are proud of their offspring, i am sure they know about it as the little pricks are bound to bragg about it, stupid as they are.



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Every time this happens, i find myself left with one question...




I just can't see the reason or point of this type of behaviour, it really makes me sick.

There can be no political reason,

There can be no religious reason,

There is just no reason to go out and commit these acts on defenceless animals. I hope their parents are proud of their offspring, i am sure they know about it as the little pricks are bound to bragg about it, stupid as they are.



Because the sick monsters who do this are sadists.


They are a big, fat, pussy scab on the chin of humanity.

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Seeing the price of fireworks in the shops I don't know how they afford to waste them on these ghastly practices (unless of cause they are stolen) but someone knows the names of these vermin,so do us all a favour and name & shame, in fact I bet the Sun photographer knows them.Perhaps the courts should sentence the offenders to 1 hours detention in a locked room with the A.L.F. The ALF must have some use?:thumbs:? Salopian

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Perhaps the courts should sentence the offenders to 1 hours detention in a locked room with the A.L.F. The ALF must have some use?:thumbs:? Salopian

The ALF have no use what soever, they are as just as bad. They may harp on about animal rights, but where are their human rites? Grave Robbery for a few guinea pigs!?! They are the sickos.

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